Story of Cornell

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  • Blog girdisi okuma süresi 3 dakika okuma
"Gather 'round kids, it's time for your bed time story, right?"
"Yes Gramps!"
"Well then, this night's story is about cornell."
"Who is Cornell, gramps?"
"You shall see."

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Cornell. He was a fine young lad with a beautiful voice. Whenever he spoke, everyone would think that he was singing. Ever since he was brought home, he would bring happiness to the household. He would wander around, he would sing and try to imitate the ones who were looking after him. He really was a joy for everyone, everyone loved him. But he was afraid. He was afraid of people. He was quite an introvert and he had never seen the outside world, aside from looking from the windows. All he would see were scary, hideous beasts that roamed the streets. He would think that if he went outside, they would hurt him.

You see, even though he was a fine young lad, he wasn't like others. He was fragile and weak, he was inexperienced. The only people he saw were the people that were looking after him. Weren't you scared of big scary dogs when you were little, kids? There, you see, he was terrified of the outside world. He also never saw a reason to go outside anyway. In his home, they gave him food, water, attention, and love, why would he? He was comfortable in his home. But the people who were looking after him knew that one day, he had to go away, but Cornell didn't know that. He didn't even know he was an orphan, he couldn't even remember his parents who abandoned him. The family that was looking after him was his family, even though they were not the same. You are lucky your parents didn't do that, they love you kids and they would never do such a thing. Anyways, one day, people who were looking after Cornell decided to take him outside to see the outside world, he was a young gentleman after all! They spoke with him, they encouraged him and Cornell decided to look outside, what could go wrong? They got outside together, Cornell seen the outside world for the first time in his life and he was scared. He wanted to go inside, everything was scary out there, those scary monsters wanted to take him away from his family they wanted to harm Cornell! At least that's what Cornell thought until he saw something. A fine young lad, just like him but a little different. They got closer, closer, and closer. They looked at themselves, they spoke and played together. Cornell had a friend! Yes, Cornell was even happier. The outside world wasn't that scary, it had some wonders and magnificent things outside. Even though he loved his family and his family loved him, they would never understand each other. They were quite different after all. Ever since he was born, he was scared of the outside. But ultimately, he saw one of his kind, he saw someone who understood him. He saw someone with the same mind as him. Later on, every day, they would play together in the yard. They would sing together, they would chase each other. But as time passed, his friend stopped coming by. He was grown, a young gentleman he became! Maybe his friend didn't want to play anymore, it was fine but at least he could say something! Cornell wanted to find his friend, he overcame his fears and he broke his chains and got out of his cage, he roamed the streets looking after his friend. He saw the beasts, they chased him but Cornell managed to flee. Next to a tree, he saw his friend, with his other friends. They were having fun, they were the same. Cornell came closer to them and they met, everyone loved Cornell and Cornell loved everyone.

After a couple of hours of playing together, he saw his family coming towards him. His friends were scared at first but Cornell said his family is good, they wouldn't hurt them. His family said "So you finally overcame your fears, Cornell? We are so proud of you. Don't ever forget that we love you and we always will. Now, from now on, be with your friends and look after them, just as we did to you!" Cornel didn't understand what they were saying but he felt the love they had for him. He then flew away with his friends. The family spoke, "What a beautiful bird he was, fly my boy, and don't ever forget about us!"
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İfadeler: Yeni Teknik Sembol


The fact that Cornell is convinced and opened to the outside world after being afraid of going out to the outside world can actually be interpreted as the turning of his inner self, breaking the chains inside and succeeding in the transition to the outer (foreign) world, in this experiment. Honestly, I took the essence of this experiment in this way or was able to understand it as such. Good luck with.

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