Chrome donanım hızlandırma açıkken kasıyor

ASUS'un sitesinden baktığımda Graphics bölümü altında verdikleri en son sürücü haziran ayından kalma ancak dahili ekran kartınız en son kasım ayında güncelleme almış, ASUS'un sitede verdiği sürücü eski yani. En son sürücüyü şuradan indirebilirsiniz, beta olmayanı indirmeniz daha iyi olacaktır.

Onu denemedim yanlış hatırlamıyorsam. DDU ile şu anki sürücüyü kaldırıp onu Windows Update üzerinden yüklemem mi gerekiyor?
Az önce güvenli modda DDU ile Intel grafik sürücüsünü kaldırdım. Windows Update ile sürücüsünü yükledi ama sorun hala devam ediyor. Ayrıca sanırım bu sürücü Windows 11 ile uyumlu değil. Bu sürücüyü kaldırıp son sürücüyü tekrar yüklemeli miyim?
Son düzenleme:
Söylediğiniz seçeneği etkinleştirdim ama sorun hala devam ediyor. İstediğiniz bilgiler bunlar sanırım:

Graphics Feature Status​

  • Canvas: Hardware accelerated
  • Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled
  • Compositing: Hardware accelerated
  • Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
  • Out-of-process Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
  • OpenGL: Enabled
  • Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
  • RAW Draw: Disabled
  • Skia Renderer: Enabled
  • Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
  • Vulkan: Disabled
  • WebGL: Hardware accelerated
  • WebGL2: Hardware accelerated

Driver Bug Workarounds​

  • Check_ycbcr_studio_G22_LEFt_P709_FOr_NV12_SUPport
  • Clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use
  • Decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
  • Disable_decode_swap_chain
  • Disable_direct_composition_sw_video_overlays
  • Enable_bgra8_overlays_with_yuv_overlay_support
  • Enable_webgl_timer_query_extensions
  • Exit_on_context_lost
  • Max_msaa_sample_count_4
  • Msaa_is_slow
  • No_downscaled_overlay_promotion
  • Disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
  • Disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent

Problems Detected​

  • Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox
    Applied Workarounds: Exit_on_context_lost
  • Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764, 349137
    Applied Workarounds: Clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use
  • On Intel GPUs MSAA performance is not acceptable for GPU rasterization: 527565
    Applied Workarounds: Msaa_is_slow
  • Disable KHR_blend_equation_advanced until CC shaders are updated: 661715
    Applied Workarounds: Disable(GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced), disable(GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent)
  • Decode and Encode before generateMipmap for sRGB format textures on Windows: 634519
    Applied Workarounds: Decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
  • Expose WebGL's disjoint_timer_query extensions on platforms with site isolation: 808744, 870491
    Applied Workarounds: Enable_webgl_timer_query_extensions
  • Disable DecodeSwapChain for Intel Gen9 and older devices: 1107403
    Applied Workarounds: Disable_decode_swap_chain
  • Intel GPUs fail to report BGRA8 overlay Support: 1119491
    Applied Workarounds: Enable_bgra8_overlays_with_yuv_overlay_support
  • 8X MSAA for WebGL contexts is Slow on Win Intel: 1145793
    Applied Workarounds: Max_msaa_sample_count_4
  • Disable software overlays for Intel GPUs. All Skylake+ devices Support hw overlays, older devices peform poorly.: 1192748
    Applied Workarounds: Disable_direct_composition_sw_video_overlays
  • Check YCbCr_Studio_G22_LEFt_P709 color space for NV12 overlay Support on Intel: 1103852
    Applied Workarounds: Check_ycbcr_studio_G22_LEFt_P709_FOr_NV12_SUPport
  • Intel GPUs do not promote downscaled overlays: 1245835
    Applied Workarounds: No_downscaled_overlay_promotion

ANGLE Features​

  • allow_compressed_formats (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: True
    Allow compressed formats
  • disable_anisotropic_filtering (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
    Disable Support for anisotropic filtering
  • disable_program_binary (Frontend features) anglebug:5007: Disabled
    Disable Support for GL_OES_get_program_binary
  • disable_program_caching_for_transform_feedback (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
    On some GPUs, program binaries don't contain transform feedback varyings
  • enableCompressingPipelineCacheInThreadPool (Frontend workarounds) anglebug:4722: Disabled: False
    Enable compressing pipeline cache in thread pool.
  • enableProgramBinaryForCapture (Frontend features) anglebug:5658: Disabled
    Even if FrameCapture is enabled, enable GL_OES_get_program_binary
  • enable_capture_limits (Frontend features) anglebug:5750: Disabled
    Set the context limits like frame capturing was enabled
  • forceInitShaderVariables (Frontend features): Disabled
    Force-enable shader variable initialization
  • forceRobustResourceInit (Frontend features) anglebug:6041: Disabled
    Force-enable robust resource init
  • lose_context_on_out_of_memory (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: True
    Some users rely on a Lost context notification if a GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY error occurs
  • scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args (Frontend workarounds) 1165751: Disabled: False
    Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent
  • sync_framebuffer_bindings_on_tex_image (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
    On some drivers TexImage sometimes seems to interact with the Framebuffer
  • add_mock_texture_no_render_target (D3D workarounds) anglebug:2152: Disabled: İsIntel && capsVersion >= IntelDriverVersion(160000) && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(164815)
    On some drivers when rendering with no render target, two bugs lead to incorrect behavior
  • allowES3OnFL10_0 (D3D workarounds): Disabled: False
    Allow ES3 on 10.0 devices
  • allow_clear_for_robust_resource_init (D3D workarounds) 941620: Enabled: True
    Some drivers corrupt texture data when clearing for robust resource initialization.
  • allow_translate_uniform_block_to_structured_buffer (D3D workarounds) anglebug:3682: Enabled: IsWin10OrGreater()
    There is a Slow fxc compile performance issue with dynamic uniform indexing if translating a uniform block with a large array member to cbuffer.
  • call_clear_twice (D3D workarounds) 655534: Disabled: İsIntel && isSkylake && capsVersion >= IntelDriverVersion(160000) && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(164771)
    Using clear() may not take effect
  • depth_stencil_blit_extra_copy (D3D workarounds) anglebug:1452: Disabled
    Bug in some drivers triggers a TDR when using CopySubresourceRegion from a staging texture to a depth/stencil
  • disable_b5g6r5_support (D3D workarounds): Disabled: (isIntel && capsVersion >= IntelDriverVersion(150000) && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(154539)) || isAMD
    Textures with the format DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM have incorrect data
  • emulate_isnan_float (D3D workarounds) 650547: Disabled: İsIntel && isSkylake && capsVersion >= IntelDriverVersion(160000) && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(164542)
    Using isnan() on highp float will get wrong answer
  • emulate_tiny_stencil_textures (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsAMD && !(deviceCaps.featureLevel < D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1)
    1x1 and 2x2 mips of depth/stencil textures aren't sampled correctly
  • expand_integer_pow_expressions (D3D workarounds): Enabled: True
    The HLSL optimizer has a bug with optimizing 'pow'in certain integer-valued expressions
  • flush_after_ending_transform_feedback (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsNvidia
    Some drivers sometimes write out-of-order results to StreamOut buffers when transform feedback is used to repeatedly write to the same buffer positions
  • force_atomic_value_resolution (D3D workarounds) anglebug:3246: Disabled: İsNvidia
    On some drivers the return Value from RWByteAddressBuffer.InterlockedAdd does not Resolve when used in the .yzw components of a RWByteAddressBuffer.Store operation
  • get_dimensions_ignores_base_level (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsNvidia
    Some drivers do not take into account the base level of the texture in the results of the HLSL GetDimensions builtin
  • mrt_perf_workaround (D3D workarounds): Enabled: True
    Some drivers have a bug where they ignore null render targets
  • pre_add_texel_fetch_offsets (D3D workarounds): Enabled: İsIntel
    HLSL's function texture.Load returns 0 when the parameter Location is negative, even if the sum of Offset and Location is in range
  • rewrite_unary_minus_operator (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsIntel && (isBroadwell || isHaswell) && capsVersion >= IntelDriverVersion(150000) && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(154624)
    Evaluating unary minus operator on integer may get wrong answer in vertex shaders
  • select_view_in_geometry_shader (D3D workarounds): Disabled: !deviceCaps.supportsVpRtIndexWriteFromVertexShader
    The viewport or render target slice will be selected in the geometry shader stage for the ANGLE_multiview extension
  • set_data_faster_than_image_upload (D3D workarounds): Enabled: !(isIvyBridge || isBroadwell || isHaswell)
    Set data faster than image upload
  • skip_vs_constant_register_zero (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsNvidia
    In specific cases the driver doesn't handle constant register Zero correctly
  • use_instanced_point_sprite_emulation (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsFeatureLevel9_3
    Some D3D11 renderers do not Support geometry shaders for pointsprite emulation
  • use_system_memory_for_constant_buffers (D3D workarounds) 593024: Enabled: İsIntel
    Copying from staging Storage to constant buffer Storage does not work
  • zero_max_lod (D3D workarounds): Disabled: İsFeatureLevel9_3
    Missing an option to disable mipmaps on a mipmapped texture

DAWN Info​

Version Information​

Data exported2021-12-09T11:57:56.106Z
Chrome versionChrome/96.0.4664.93
Operating systemWindows NT 10.0.22000
Software rendering list URL
Driver bug list URL
ANGLE commit iddf0f7133799c
2D graphics backendSkia/96 7380cf102b94bb81dda50c5958ec3b3b392525f2
Command Line"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --flag-switches-begin --ignore-gpu-blocklist --enable-smooth-scrolling --flag-switches-end
Tesadüfen bugün BIOS güncellemesi de gelmiş. Güncelleme sanırım Windows 11 için ama sorun hala devam ediyor.
Son düzenleme:
Onu da denedim Chrome harici ekran kartı ileçalışıyor fakat videolar yine dahili ekran kartı oynatılıyor bu yüzden bu problem yine devam ediyor. Yine de yardımlarınız için hepinize teşekkür ederim. Umarım Chrome güncellemesi ile düzelir.
Son olarak şunu sorabilir miyim? Mozilla Firefox önerir misiniz? Ve ben PC'de Mozilla Firefox kullansam Chrome yerine telefonumdaki Chrome ile bilgisayarımdaki Mozilla Firefox'u senkron bir şekilde kullanbilir miyim? Yani geçmiş ve yer imleri senkronize olur mu?
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