Çözüldü Modal Perfect kullanarak yazı yazmak

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20 Ekim 2020
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Merhaba. Perfect modals kullanarak ufak bir yazı yazmam gerekiyor. (7 8 cümle yeterli) Fakat konuyu bilmiyorum ve öğrenmek için vaktim de yok. Yazının türü deneme makale anı sohbet hikaye vs. olabilir. Yardım edenlere teşekkürler.
Son düzenleme:
Me and my friend were sitting in the cafe. When I ordered for a tea, I saw a movement at the opposite table. A strange dark weared man bent over to the that table. Nearly 10 minutes later the man at the desk, noticed he didn't have his phone and blamed to my friend. Later I told him "He can't have stolen your phone. We were only sitting here but we saw a movement nearly at your table by this dark weared man 10 minutes ago.". Later he went to the dark weared man. They should have to talked about his stolen phone. Finally dark weared man gave the phone to him. He came and apologized to us. Then we said: You shouldn't have to blame us before ask.
Me and my friend were sitting in the cafe. When I ordered for a tea, I saw a movement at the opposite table. A strange dark weared man bent over to the that table. Nearly 10 minutes later the man at the desk, noticed he didn't have his phone and blamed to my friend. Later I told him "He can't have stolen your phone. We were only sitting here but we saw a movement nearly at your table by this dark weared man 10 minutes ago.". Later he went to the dark weared man. They should have to talked about his stolen phone. Finally dark weared man gave the phone to him. He came and apologized to us. Then we said: You shouldn't have to blame us before ask.
Me and my friend were sitting in the Cafe. When I ordered for a tea, I saw a movement at the opposite table. A strange Dark weared man bent over to the that table. Nearly 10 minutes later the man at the desk, noticed he didn't have his Phone and blamed to my friend. Later I told him "He can't have stolen your Phone. We were only sitting here but we saw a movement nearly at your table by this Dark weared man 10 minutes ago.". Later he went to the Dark weared man. They should have to talked about his stolen Phone. Finally Dark weared man gave the Phone to him. He came and apologized to us. Then we said: You shouldn't have to blame us before ask.

Hocam çok sağ olasın.
