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2 Ağustos 2021
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Merhaba bir adet cevap anahtarı oluşturuyorum ve bitirdim ancak kontrol edilmesi gerekiyor ödev gibi bir şey diyebilirim yardıma ihtiyacım var yardımcı olabilecek birisi varsa kendisine çok minnettar olurum teşekkürler.
Görsele bıraktım ayrıca buraya da yazıyorum.

a) fill in the blanks with the correct words ( 4x5= 20 points)

illiteracy- racism - failure - disability

1) racism legally and morally incorrect. And unfortunately it caused wars.

2) lucy can't walk but he doesn't let his disability prevent her from going to school.

3) there are a great number of schools to decrease the Rate of illiteracy

4) peter was disappointed due to his failure during the exams.

b) circle the correct option (4x5 = 20 points)

1) what can/ could tom do when he was a child?

2) kate has a problem with English. She can't / couldn't understand anything.

3) ann can / could memorize anything she sees around without missing any detail.

4) michael jackson was a wonderful dancer. He can/could created “moon walk” dance style.

C) Complete the sentences with “when” or “while” (6x5 = 30 points)

1) when sue was waiting for the 12 o'clock train, she met an old friend.

2) while the teacher came into the classroom, some students were arguing with each other.

3) ı arrived Home, while all the guests were having tea and biscuits.

4) when she was a little girl, she visited her relatives with her mother.

5) the pearsons were having a large breakfast, when the doorbell rang.

6) ı liked working in group and pairs, when ı was a secondary school student.

D) Complete the sentences with the given words (4x5 = 20 points)

drop out of - obstacles - suffer - overcome

1) you can easily overcome your problems with the help of your family and friends.

2) marla had to drop out of the course because she couldn't pay for it anymore.

3) sadly children suffer from poor health conditions during the wars.

4) ıf you want to realize your dreams, clear the obstacles on your way.

E) fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given (5x2 = 10 points)

curator - achieve - adorable - diligent - privileged

1) diligent students are likely to be more successful in their school lives.

2) keep studying. You'll achieve your goals sooner or later.

3) mr. parker' s students feel privileged to have a chance to study with him in the project.

4) sally has been married to andrew for 15 years with two adorable children.

5) the curator of the museum was so helpful during our visit.

Dosya Ekleri

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Kesin olmamak kaydı ile yalnızca iki hata gördüm. B etkinliğinin üçüncü cümlesi 'can', C etkinliğinin beşinci cümlesi 'while' olacak.
Ek: Cümleyi yanlış anlamışım, üstteki arkadaşın dediği gibi olacak.
B- 3. can olacak.
C'de 1 while 2 when olacak. Başka bir problem yok, kafana yatmazsa açıklayabilirim.

Kesin olmamak kaydı ile yalnızca iki hata gördüm. B etkinliğinin üçüncü cümlesi 'can', C etkinliğinin beşinci cümlesi 'while' olacak.
Ek: Cümleyi yanlış anlamışım, üstteki arkadaşın dediği gibi olacak.

Sizlere yardımlarınız için çok teşekkür ederim minnettarım. Mutlu yıllar dilerim.

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