Windows 8.1 Yedekleme Hatası (0x80780119)

3 Şubat 2014
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yedek1.JPG yedek2.JPG
Fix error 0x80780119 in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

  1. Open your “Disk Manager” feature available in your Windows operating system by pressing on the arrow situated in the lower side of the screen or just swipe up to open the app window.
  2. Now in the Apps screen swipe to the right side of the screen to open “Windows System” feature.
  3. Left click or tap on the “Control Panel” feature available there.
  4. In the “Windows System” category you should find “System and Security” link.
  5. In the “System and Security” feature you should left click or tap on the “Administrative Tools” feature situated in the lower side of the screen.
  6. In the “Administrative Tools” window you should double click (left click) on “Computer management”
  7. In the “Computer Management” window left click or tap on the “Disk Management” button.
    Note: You will need to expand the “Storage” option in order to see the “Disk Management” feature.
  8. You should have in the “Disk Manager” window the partitions made in your device.
  9. Look for the “Recovery Partition” that should be around 500 MB in size.
  10. Right click on this partition and left click or tap on the “Shrink Volume” feature available in the menu that appears.
  11. You should now have in front of you the “Shrink” window of the partition you selected.
  12. Next to “Total size before shrink in MB” you should have 500 MB or more.
  13. Now for example if the partition is 500 MB as above you will need to write a “10” next to “Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB” in order to bring under 500 MB the “Total size after shrink in MB” (if you write a 10 in that field as explained above, for a partition of 500 MB you should get in the “Total size after shrink in MB” the value of 490 MB)
    Note: If this partition is larger than 500 MB you will need to write in the field next to “Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB” the number necessary to bring the MB in the ” Total size after shrink in MB” field under 500 MB.
  14. Left click or tap on the “Shrink” button situated in the lower side of this window.
  15. After the process is completed your partition should be at 490 MB.
  16. You will need to reboot the Windows 8.1 operating system.
  17. Try to see if you can make the backup copy now.
There you go. Now you have a method which you can use to fix the error code 0x80780119 in your Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 operating system. You can write us below if anything is unclear and we will help you further with this issue.
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
İlk 8 bölüm disk yönetimine girmeyi anlatıyor. Disk yönetimine girmek için başlat ikonuna sağ tıklayın disk yönetimini çalıştırın.
9-10. 500 MB civarında kurtarma bölümü göreceksiniz sağ tıklayıp birimi küçült tuşuna basın.
11. Karşınıza birimi küçültme ekranı çıkacak
12. Sıkıştırmadan önceki boyutu yazacak ve 500 MB ve fazlası gibi yazıyor olmalı.
13. Amaç birimi 500 MB altına düşürmek ne kadar küçültmek gerekiyorsa o kadar küçültün. 500 ise 10 küçültüp 490 mb olacak şekle getirin.
14. Birimi küçültme tuşuna basın.
15. Küçülttükten sonra boyutu 490 MB civarında olmalı.
16. Bilgisayarı yeniden başlatın.
17. Şimdi yedekleme yapmayı deneyin.
Uyarı! Bu konu 9 yıl önce açıldı.
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