What should I do with my burned laptop?

Then best way is sell the laptop as a garbage than my sister will buy this laptop tax Free right?

Which part was burned exactly? If it's some kind of Power issue, repair could be relatively easy and cheap.

But if GPU solders GoT cracked, it needs a Special machine called BGA rework station, which many service don't have.

Screen, computers case, maybe some of the parts that Inside of laptop ıdk. I just now that repair fee is 6000 TL.
Then best way is sell the laptop as a garbage than my sister will buy this laptop tax Free right?

Screen, computers case, maybe some of the parts that Inside of laptop ıdk. I just now that repair fee is 6000 TL.
Why you used the (than) in your sentence. I sorry about my english because I know less than you in english.

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