Arama Sonuçları - Sorgulanan Kelime: *

  1. numbKörKedi

    Who speaks English with me?

    İ tried it but you know its not for me :D He said sende kazanıcaksın bende
  2. numbKörKedi

    Who speaks English with me?

    i mean there is no push to talk :D
  3. numbKörKedi

    Who speaks English with me?

    you did it with minecraft :D interesting
  4. numbKörKedi

    Who speaks English with me?

    No one is not talking with you everyone is talking with each other :/
  5. numbKörKedi

    Who speaks English with me?

    Actually if you want to improve your language you can play multi Games on western servers. İt will help you a lot. Just dont be shy :D