Do you want to talk to me?


20 Kasım 2021
Hi guys. I want to talk English with people. Yes i can use Discord but i need some special friends. So, I want good friends who can speak English with me.
My English is unfortunately bad. I think my English level is A2 but i can't speak the people in English.
Yes, Would you like to be friends with me?
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
I would gladly talk with you.
Oh, thank you bro. So, I am adding my discord account number.
User name: Sazcı Ali 2
Nick Name: turkmenoglu1

If you are free on Wednesday, i can talk to you.
Thanks again.

I don't have and i don't use Discord, i thought you meant we could talk here. I am sorry i misunderstood.
Unfortunately I have an exam today and I am not ready. How are you?
I think we should go step by step.
How old are you and what is your job?
I am 17 years old and i am still at high school so you are most likely older than me.
I am from Konya and i am preparing for the YKS.
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