If you were somebody's parents

If that was a jumpscare, I would probably poop into my pants.
That mother looks horrifying.
This woman's daughters were cursed because of their father's geological research. The curse was an ancient Egyptian curse. Those cursed by this grow like a tree, expanding outward in rings each year.

This mother didn't like her 10~ year old daughter's current state, so to get her back to age 3, she starts clawing at her daughter's face like a dog digging in the dirt. The maddened woman, upon speaking to her daughter in her former state, takes a razor blade to her own face in order to younger herself, but she is not cursed...

While blood flows from her face, she plunges her hand into her flesh and peels her skin from the meat..
Doctor, Put me back. İt's not just Türkiye bro another mistake is ı born on Diyarbakır.
If you are a tribe, you start life with 1-0 instead of 0-1 from tribe bonus. If you support AKP then the situation will be 2-0. The first number represents you, the second number represents Life.
If you are a tribe, you start life with 1-0 instead of 0-1 from tribe bonus. If you support AKP then the situation will be 2-0. The first number represents you, the second number represents Life.
I'm not tribe and ım not supporting AKEPE. I think that's mean ım starting life with -2.
I'm not tribe andım not supporting AKEPE. I think that's meanım starting Life with -2.

Thats true, so you have started life 0-2 "but survival is a must"(One of my favourite lyrics from Thousand Foot Krutch-Courtesy Call) so you have to war against the life to get what life stole from you. "The Dream Life".
Btw if you are living in east, tribe gives you too much bonus point in life.
Yea. That's life it is. If you not pushing the hard one. How do you gonna know your living. unfortunately ı don't have. But ım not doing problem this. you know. Like that just fine.
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