Lenovo Yoga 500 Mac OS X Uyumlu Sürüm


27 Mart 2016
Daha fazla  
  • Lenovo Yoga 500 İntel Core i5-6200U (2.3 GHz, 3 MB önbellek)
  • NVIDIA GeForce GT940M 2 GB ve İntel HD Graphics 520
  • 4 GB RAM

Çoğu Mac sürümünü denedim fakat hiçbirinde aşağıdaki sorunu çözemedim.

Aşağıya takıldığım yerin fotoğrafını yüklüyorum.

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Evet denedim.

Fakat sorun hala aynı, neden kaynaklanıyor. Yoga 500 kurulum gerçekleştirenler var ben yapamıyorum. Sorun bende mi yoksa kurulum dosyasındamı anlayamadım.. Anlatımları eksiksiz halde uyguluyorum..
-x -f boot komutlarını ekleyip dene. Ayrıca; Kurulumu gerçekleştirenler varsa kurulumu yapanların rehberlerini inceleyebilirsin. Ayrıca aşağıdaki Config dosyasını bir deneyebilirsin.
Dropbox - config.rar
Son düzenleme:
-x komutunu denemiştim, -f ise denemedim. Verdiğiniz config deneyip tekrar yazacağım.

Sonuc hala ayni.

Aşağıda ki sitede çözümü var sanırım, yalnız İngilizce çok iyi olmadığı için anlayamadım.

Çözümü buldum sanırım.

Çevirebilecek bir arkadaş var mı?

Link : Clover : El Capitan : kernel panic on installation, memory issue

Hi, I have a Z97N WIFI with an i5 4690 and GTX960 as well as 8GB of ram.
When installing El Capitan with Clover, I get this error on the first step of the installation, where I boot on my USB andchoose install El capitan.
"panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff88295273a6): "zone init: know_suballoc failed"0/Library/ Cache/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-3247.1.99/osfnk/kern/zalloc.c:2199."
I think it is about a memory problem.
By the way this is the first and the only thing that shows up when I boot with verbose.
And this shows up 60 seconds after I clicked "install el capitan".
Just after that my computer reboots.

Thank you

UPDATE : I actually have to configure my Memory but I don't know how to do that.
UPDATE : To configure memory it is better to do it manually. You have the sample on Clover's wiki.
(here is mine, it is in the SMBIOS part, I also took some of the information above and under that you can more easily find where to put it).

<string>iMac</string> <key>Manufacturer</key>
<string>Apple Inc.</string>

Clover configuration doesn't work correctly with that, I don't know why. And when you edit this manually the clover config doesn't read it correctly anymore.

And now my problem is grey/white screen (and loading cursor) with loading and the
"Service exited with abnormal code: 255" appears.
Big List of Solutions for El Capitan Install Problems tells us to that it because of the FakeSMC and now I still had some trouble getting past it,. But I did update the file, I also changed InjectKext to "Yes" (and not "YES" as the thread tells us, I think I got stuck because of that), and also deleted everything on the kext folder except Others in which I put the FakeSMC. Voila.
If some people get the same error and can't get past it, ask me below.

I write this for people searching on google.
#White screen, nothing happens, stuck, grey screen, looping, cursor loading, rainbow, beach ball, wait, unfinished.


4. Freeze or hang on apple logo, progress bar, prohibited sign, or grey/white screen
If asking for help, boot in verbose mode (navigate to the entry you want to boot on the Clover menu, hit space bar, and select "Boot Mac OS X in verbose mode...") and add a photo of the screen where it hangs to your post.


  • If both integrated and discrete graphics, try removing the graphics card, installing with integrated graphics, then post-install putting the graphics card back in and installing Web drivers if needed.
  • Try different USB ports for the USB install drive; use a USB2 port if you have one.

cpus=1 until you can either install the correct SSDT.aml or finish the install and put NullCPUPowerManagement.kext into /Library/Extensions/
  • If you get all garbled text and/or the message "Still waiting for root device" with the prohibited sign:
    • Try the install USB in every single USB port on your case, motherboard, add-on PCI card, USB hub, etc. and see if it gets farther on any of those
    • If you're using a USB3 stick, use a USB2 stick and try all USB ports again
    • Try booting with cpus=1.
  • If you have USB hub or a port replicator, try putting the install USB in there
  • Double-check SMBios selection: MacPro3,1 may be the most reliable in general

current version of FakeSMC.kext and/or remove any copy from /System/Library/Extensions/
  • Might also be an unsupported Nvidia card: if so, try booting with nv_disable=1
  • If you have already installed to the system drive and you're trying to boot from a USB, use your BIOS hotkey to select a boot device and select the USB. If you actually boot from the system drive and just select the USB from the Clover menu, you may be using a broken Clover config on the system drive instead of a working config on the USB.

see this post.
  • Alternately, try setting FixDarwin_0002 in config.plist (worked on Z68X-UD3H with Award BIOS)
  • Nvidia 980 Ti: you may need to remove the card and do the install without it, then install Nvidia Web drivers, then put the card back in. One user reported being able to boot from a UniBeast install USB configured for Legacy, but didn't go on to try installing Web drivers from there.

Disable CPU EIST in BIOS
  • Or try cpus=1 until you get through the install to generate a proper CPU SSDT or install NullCPUPowerManagement.kext

Hang on DSMOS has arrived
  • If using a VGA monitor, try a digital connection (DP, HDMI, DVI)

MSI Z97/H97 and GA-Z97MX
  • Replace VBoxHfs-64.efi with HFSPlus.efi in EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/

Desktop Support forum (here's one and another), and X99 reports in the Desktop Guidesforum (such as one two three). Otherwise...
  • If it next says Error loading kernel cache then you may have SIP enabled and it can't generate a kext cache
    • Figure out which config.plist you're using, and check it for the RtVariables needed to disable SIP for El Capitan (covered in this guide)
    • If that's not it, try using a different USB port for the install drive (front/back, USB2/USB3, etc.)
    • If that's not it, try replaced VBoxHfs.efi with HFSPlus.efi in EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/
  • Otherwise if it doesn't have the kernel cache message:
    • One user reported getting this but not on every boot and using a different USB port fixed it
    • Others report that replacing EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi with OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi fixes it.
    • If you have more than one of OsxLowMemFixDrv-64.efi or OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi or OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi then remove all but one

RAM değerlerini Config.plist dosyasına el ile girerek çözdüğünü yazmış.
Örnek olarak kendi sistemi için aşağıdaki ayarları kullanmış:
  <string>iMac</string>        <key>Manufacturer</key>
        <string>Apple Inc.</string>
USB/ Kexts/ Others içinden FakeSMC dışındaki Kext'leri silmiş.
Evet çözdüm şimdi herşey normal kuruluma geçiyorum. Yalnız şimdi hdd gözükmüyor. BIOS ayarlarında AHCI yok ya da hdd üzerine hiçbirşey yok. Ne yapmalıyım?
Diskin gpt veya hfs formatında formatlanmamış sanırım. Doğru mu?
35 GB'lık bir alanı apple dosya düzeni şeklinde biçimlendirdim. GPT olarak nasıl formatlamam gerekiyor?
Kullandığınız imaja mbr yaması yapılmıştı galiba. Gözükmesi gerek. Sorununuz başka bişey AHCI olabilir. BIOS'tan Legacy olarak ayarlayıp tekrar dene.
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