C/C++ MSVC ile derleme başarısız


18 Aralık 2018
Merhaba, kullandığım librarynin içerisinde Template meta-programming için yer alan makrolarından yararlanıyorum. Aşağıdaki kod ile;
struct Object {
    Object() = default;

    constexpr static inline std::string tag = "object";
    float x, y;
    int id, gid, width, height;

    DefineStructMembers(Object, x, y, id, gid, width, height);

Linux'ta GCC ile sorunsuz bir şekilde derliyor. Windows'ta MSVC ile derlemeye çalıştığımda C2065, C3546 ve C3553 hatalarını veriyor. Anladığım kadarıyla MSVC ve GCC macrolarını farklı şekilde yönetiyor ama aşağıdaki makroların nasıl düzeltilebileceğini bilmiyorum. Struct.h'ı aşağıya bıraktım, makronun olduğu dosyanın içeriğini yani. (Library'nin tüm dosyaları -> link) Tam build çıktısı da şöyle;

Tam build çıktısı;

Not: Build çıktısını buraya text olarak yüklememe izin vermedi. 3 ifadeden daha fazla gönderemezsin deyip hata verip durdu.

Struct.h dosyasının içeriği;
#pragma once

#include <typeinfo>
#include "TMP.h"

namespace Gorgon {
    template <int N, class ...T_>
    struct GetElm {
    template <class T1_, class ...T_>
    struct GetElm<0, T1_, T_...> {
        template <T1_ V1_, T_ ...V_>
        struct Inner {
            static constexpr T1_ Value = V1_;
    template <int N, class T1_, class ...T_>
    struct GetElm<N, T1_, T_...> {
        template <T1_ V1_, T_ ...V_>
        struct Inner {
            static constexpr auto Value = GetElm<N-1, T_...>::template Inner<V_...>::Value;
    template<class C_, class ...MT_>
    class StructDefiner {
        template<MT_ ...M_>
        struct Inner {
            template<class ...S_>
            constexpr Inner(const S_ &...names) : Names{names...} {
                static_assert(sizeof...(S_) == sizeof...(MT_), "Number of element names does not match with the number of elements");
            template<int N>
            struct Member {
                using Type = typename TMP::RemoveRValueReference<decltype(std::declval<C_>().*(GetElm<N, MT_...>::template Inner<M_...>::Value))>::Type;

                static constexpr decltype(GetElm<N, MT_...>::template Inner<M_...>::Value) MemberPointer() {
                    return std::get<N>(std::tuple<MT_...>(M_...));
            const char *Names[sizeof...(MT_)];

            static constexpr int MemberCount = sizeof...(MT_);
            static constexpr int IsGorgonReflection = true;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
    #define CALLER(F, P)    CALL_(F, P)
    #define CALL_(F, P)     F##P

    #define CONC(A, B)       CONC_(A, B)
    #define CONC_(A, B)      CONC__(A, B)
    #define CONC__(A, B)     CONC___(A, B)
    #define CONC___(A, B)    CONC____(A, B)
    #define CONC____(A, B)   CONC_____(A, B)
    #define CONC_____(A, B)  CONC______(A, B)
    #define CONC______(A, B) A##B

    #define NARGS(...) CALL_(NARGS_,(__VA_ARGS__, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0))
    #define NARGS_(_16, _15, _14, _13, _12, _11, _10, _9, _8, _7, _6, _5, _4, _3, _2, _1, N, ...) N

    #define StructDefiner_types_1(C, E)       decltype(&C::E)
    #define StructDefiner_types_2(C, E, F)    decltype(&C::E),       StructDefiner_types_1   (C, F)
    #define StructDefiner_types_3(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_2 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_4(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_3 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_5(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_4 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_6(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_5 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_7(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_6 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_8(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_7 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_9(C, E, ...)  decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_8 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_10(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_9 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_11(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_10, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_12(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_11, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_13(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_12, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_14(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_13, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_15(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_14, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_types_16(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), CALL_(StructDefiner_types_15, (C, __VA_ARGS__))

    #define StructDefiner_values_1(C, E)       &C::E
    #define StructDefiner_values_2(C, E, F)    &C::E,       StructDefiner_values_1   (C, F)
    #define StructDefiner_values_3(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_2 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_4(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_3 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_5(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_4 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_6(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_5 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_7(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_6 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_8(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_7 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_9(C, E, ...)  &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_8 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_10(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_9 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_11(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_10, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_12(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_11, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_13(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_12, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_14(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_13, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_15(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_14, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_values_16(C, E, ...) &C::E, CALL_(StructDefiner_values_15, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_1(C, E)       #E
    #define StructDefiner_names_2(C, E, F)    #E,       StructDefiner_names_1   (C, F)
    #define StructDefiner_names_3(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_2 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_4(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_3 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_5(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_4 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_6(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_5 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_7(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_6 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_8(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_7 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_9(C, E, ...)  #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_8 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_10(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_9 , (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_11(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_10, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_12(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_11, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_13(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_12, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_14(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_13, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_15(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_14, (C, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define StructDefiner_names_16(C, E, ...) #E, CALL_(StructDefiner_names_15, (C, __VA_ARGS__))

    /// Defines a struct members with the given name. The first parameter is the name of the class.
    /// This macro should be called inside the class/struct scope. This reflection is geared towards
    /// POD objects. Might not behave as intented on polymorphic objects. After calling this function
    /// the class will have ReflectionType and Reflection() that returns reflection object with names.
    #define DefineStructMembers(C, ...) \
        using ReflectionType = StructDefiner<C, CALLER(CALL_(CONC, (StructDefiner_types_, CONC(NARGS,(__VA_ARGS__))) ),(C, __VA_ARGS__))>::\
        Inner<CALLER(CALL_(CONC, (StructDefiner_values_, CONC(NARGS,(__VA_ARGS__))) ),(C, __VA_ARGS__))>; \
        static constexpr ReflectionType Reflection() { return {CALLER(CALL_(CONC, (StructDefiner_names_, CONC(NARGS,(__VA_ARGS__))) ),(C, __VA_ARGS__))}; }
    /// Defines a struct members with the given name. The first parameter is the name of the class.
    /// This macro should be called inside the class/struct scope. This reflection is geared towards
    /// POD objects. Might not behave as intented on polymorphic objects. This variant allows naming
    /// Reflection object function and type. After calling this function the class will have
    /// {Name}Type and {Name}() that returns reflection object with names.
    #define DefineStructMembersWithName(C, Name, ...) \
        using Name##Type = StructDefiner<C, CALLER(CALL_(CONC, (StructDefiner_types_, CONC(NARGS,(__VA_ARGS__))) ),(C, __VA_ARGS__))>::\
        Inner<CALLER(CALL_(CONC, (StructDefiner_values_, CONC(NARGS,(__VA_ARGS__))) ),(C, __VA_ARGS__))>; \
        static constexpr Name##Type Name() { return {CALLER(CALL_(CONC, (StructDefiner_names_, CONC(NARGS,(__VA_ARGS__))) ),(C, __VA_ARGS__))}; }
    #define CONC(A, B) CONC_(A, B)
    #define CONC_(A, B) A##B
    #define NARGS(...) NARGS_(__VA_ARGS__, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    #define NARGS_(_16, _15, _14, _13, _12, _11, _10, _9, _8, _7, _6, _5, _4, _3, _2, _1, N, ...) N
    #define StructDefiner_types_1(C, E) decltype(&C::E)
    #define StructDefiner_types_2(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_1(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_3(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_2(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_4(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_3(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_5(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_4(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_6(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_5(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_7(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_6(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_8(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_7(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_9(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_8(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_10(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_9(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_11(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_10(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_12(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_11(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_13(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_12(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_14(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_13(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_15(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_14(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_types_16(C, E, ...) decltype(&C::E), StructDefiner_types_15(C, __VA_ARGS__)

    #define StructDefiner_values_1(C, E) &C::E
    #define StructDefiner_values_2(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_1(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_3(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_2(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_4(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_3(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_5(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_4(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_6(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_5(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_7(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_6(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_8(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_7(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_9(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_8(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_10(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_9(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_11(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_10(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_12(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_11(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_13(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_12(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_14(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_13(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_15(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_14(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_values_16(C, E, ...) &C::E, StructDefiner_values_15(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_1(C, E) #E
    #define StructDefiner_names_2(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_1(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_3(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_2(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_4(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_3(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_5(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_4(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_6(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_5(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_7(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_6(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_8(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_7(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_9(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_8(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_10(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_9(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_11(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_10(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_12(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_11(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_13(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_12(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_14(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_13(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_15(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_14(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define StructDefiner_names_16(C, E, ...) #E, StructDefiner_names_15(C, __VA_ARGS__)
    /// Defines a struct members with the given name. The first parameter is the name of the class.
    /// This macro should be called inside the class/struct scope. This reflection is geared towards
    /// POD objects. Might not behave as intented on polymorphic objects. After calling this function
    /// the class will have ReflectionType and Reflection() that returns reflection object with names.
    #define DefineStructMembers(C, ...) using ReflectionType = Gorgon::StructDefiner<C, CONC(StructDefiner_types_, NARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) (C, __VA_ARGS__)>::Inner<CONC(StructDefiner_values_, NARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) (C, __VA_ARGS__)>; \
        static constexpr ReflectionType Reflection() { return {CONC(StructDefiner_names_, NARGS(__VA_ARGS__))(C, __VA_ARGS__)}; }
    /// Defines a struct members with the given name. The first parameter is the name of the class.
    /// This macro should be called inside the class/struct scope. This reflection is geared towards
    /// POD objects. Might not behave as intented on polymorphic objects. This variant allows naming
    /// Reflection object function and type. After calling this function the class will have
    /// {Name}Type and {Name}() that returns reflection object with names.
    #define DefineStructMembersWithName(C, Name, ...) using Name##Type = Gorgon::StructDefiner<C, CONC(StructDefiner_types_, NARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) (C, __VA_ARGS__)>::Inner<CONC(StructDefiner_values_, NARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) (C, __VA_ARGS__)>; \
        static constexpr Name##Type Name() { return {CONC(StructDefiner_names_, NARGS(__VA_ARGS__))(C, __VA_ARGS__)}; }


Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
Sorunu çözdüm. Makrolarla alakası yokmuş. Gorgon'un scripting beceriside var. MSVC desteklemiyormus kullanım şeklini. Onu devre dışı bıraktık. Bir diğer sorun Gorgon'un içerisinde ki Margin.h std::max kullaniyor. Windows.h içerinde ki max ve min makrolari yüzünden compilerin kafası karisiyormus. Onun içinde #undef max ve #undef min yaptıktan sonra sorun çözüldü.
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