What is your favorite thing to do?

My future dream is to become a math professor, like;
Arthur benjamin, cahit arf.

Brother, this is so good but looks like you love math for High school exam(LGS). If you want to become a good professor you have to do something good, such as; algebra, geometry, polynomial etc.
Brother, this is so good but looks like you love math for High school exam(LGS). If you want to become a good professor you have to do something good, such as algebra, geometry, polynomial etc.

Yes, you are right. Math is Very important to me. Therefore, the things I do about him are also valuable to me. For example, I did a few tests at the 8th grade Level.

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Yes, you are right. Math is Very important to me. Therefore, the things ı do about him are also valuable to me. For example, ı did a few tests at the 8th grade Level.

As ı said before you love math for LGS exam. I review your tests and I saw your problems stuck at 8th grade. But as you said math is everything, it is important for humanity. An advice from me, this year just work to High school exam. After the exam you will see the real math.
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