Anakart ve RAM'i değiştirdikten sonra Memtest86 fail verdi


3 Mayıs 2024
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Hocam anakart ile RAM'ı değiştirdim yani DDR4'ten DDR5'e geçtim, format attım BIOS'u sürücüleri güncelledim ama mentest86 testinde fail verdi. Benim anakartım mı bozuk RAM'ım mı bilemedim. Sadece mavi ekran hatası alıyorum ve 2 3 saniye bazen donup kilitleniyor kapanıp acılıyor. Bunu nasıl çözebiliriz, sorun nerededir?
Reis sistem ceza veriyor arada bu minidump dosyasında bunlar yazıyor.
# Any other values for parameter 1 must be individually examined.
Arg1: 0000000000000403, the subtype of the bugcheck.
Arg2: FfffDF011B016500.
Arg3: 810000022A71C847.
Arg4: FfffDF010B016500.

Debugging details:

Key_values_strıng: 1

Key: Analysis. CPU. Msec.
Value: 484.

Key: Analysis. Elapsed. Msec.
Value: 1217.

Key: Analysis. IO. Other. MB.
Value: 0

Key: Analysis. IO. Read. MB.
Value: 0

Key: Analysis. IO. Write. MB.
Value: 0

Key: Analysis. Init. CPU. Msec.
Value: 46.

Key: Analysis. Init. Elapsed. Msec.
Value: 4228.

Key: Analysis. Memory.commitpeak. MB.
Value: 94.

Key: Bugcheck. Code. Legacyapı.
Value: 0x1a.

Key: Bugcheck. Code. Targetmodel.
Value: 0x1a.

Key: Failure. Bucket.
Value: 0x1a_403_nt! Mideletepterun.

Key: Failure. Hash.
Value: {6E89A852-58E8-3DBB-AF93-60D80DCC29E5}

Key: Hypervisor. Enlightenments. Valuehex.
Value: 1417DF84.

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Anyhypervisorpresent.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Apicenlightened.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Apicvirtualizationavailable
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Asyncmemoryhint.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Coreschedulerrequested
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Cpumanager.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Deprecateautoeoi.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Dynamiccpudisabled.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Epf.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Extendedprocessormasks
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Hardwarembecavailable
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Maxbanknumber.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Memoryzeroingcontrol.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Noextendedrangeflush.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Nononarchcoresharing.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Phase0ınitdone.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Powerschedulerqos.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Rootscheduler.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Synicavailable.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Useqpcbias.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Value.
Value: 21631230.

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Valuehex.
Value: 14A10FE.

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Vpassistpage.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Flags. Vsmavailable.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Accessstats.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Crashdumpenlightened.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Createvirtualprocessor
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Disablehyperthreading
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Hosttimelinesync.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Hypervisordebuggingenabled
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Ishyperv.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Livedumpenlightened.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Mapdeviceınterrupt.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Mceenlightened.
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Nested.
Value: 0

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Startlogicalprocessor
Value: 1

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Value.
Value: 1015.

Key: Hypervisor. Rootflags. Valuehex.
Value: 3F7.

Key: Wer. OS. Branch.
Value: Ni_release.

Key: Wer. OS. Version.
Value: 10.0.22621.1

Bugcheck_code: 1A.

Bugcheck_p1: 403.

Bugcheck_p2: FfffDF011B016500.

Bugcheck_p3: 810000022A71C847.

Bugcheck_p4: FfffDF010B016500.

Fıle_ın_cab: 050324-5250-01.dmp

Tag_not_defıned_202b: *** unknown tag in analysis list 202b.

Blackboxbsd: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

Blackboxntfs: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

Blackboxpnp: 1 (!blackboxpnp)

Blackboxwınlogon: 1

Customer_crash_count: 1

Process_name: chrome.exe

Fffffc09'9bd4ec18 fffff805'5D8C6148: 00000000'0000001A 00000000'00000403 ffffdf01'1B016500 81000002'2A71C847: NT! Kebugcheckex.
Fffffc09'9bd4ec20 fffff805'5D7102C8: 00000000'00000000 fffffc09'9bd4F2D0 ffffdf01'1B016FF8 fffffc09'9bd4F220: NT! Mideletepterun+0x187BE8
Fffffc09'9bd4ee10 fffff805'5D6F37b9: Fffffc09'9bd4F220 ffffdf01'1B016FF8 ffff3474'dfeaad48 ffffe507'CD5dB780: NT! Mideletevatail+0x48
Fffffc09'9bd4ee40 fffff805'5D6F38fa: Fffffc09'00000000 ffffe507'CD5dB780 ffffdf6F'00000000 fffffc09'9bd4F270: NT! Miwalkpagetablesrecursively+0x4e9
Fffffc09'9bd4eed0 fffff805'5D6F38fa: Fffffc09'9bd4F220 ffffe507'CD5dB780 ffffdf6F'00000000 fffffc09'9bd4F280: NT! Miwalkpagetablesrecursively+0x62a
Fffffc09'9bd4ef60 fffff805'5D6F38fa: Fffffc09'9bd4F220 ffffe507'CD5dB780 ffffdf6F'00000000 fffffc09'9bd4F290: NT! Miwalkpagetablesrecursively+0x62a
Fffffc09'9bd4eff0 fffff805'5D6F31D1: 00000000'00000000 ffffe507'CD5dB780 00000000'00000000 fffffc09'9bd4F2a0: NT! Miwalkpagetablesrecursively+0x62a
Fffffc09'9bd4F080 fffff805'5D711682: Fffffc09'9bd4F220 0000022E'00000001 00000000'00000002 00000000'00000000: NT! Miwalkpagetables+0x371
Fffffc09'9bd4F180 fffff805'5D720C4E: Ffffe507'CD5dB5D0 ffffe507'cae0D080 fffffc09'9bd4F520 ffffe507'cae0D780: NT! Mideletepagablepterange+0x3C2
Fffffc09'9bd4F490 fffff805'5dB88887: 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000001 fffffc09'9bd4F560 0000022E'00000000: NT! Mideletevirtualaddresses+0x4e
Fffffc09'9bd4F4e0 fffff805'5dB74056: 00000236'00000000 ffffe507'C9CC72a0 ffffe507'CD5dB100 00000000'00000000: NT! Mideletevad+0x1b7
Fffffc09'9bd4F5a0 fffff805'5dB73501: Ffffe507'C9CC73e0 ffffe507'C9CC73e0 ffffe507'C9CC73e0 ffffe507'CD5dB100: NT! Micleanvad+0x42
Fffffc09'9bd4F5D0 fffff805'5dafd74D: Ffffffff'00000000 ffffffff'ffffffff 00000000'00000001 ffffe507'CD5dB100: NT! Mmcleanprocessaddressspace+0x10D
Fffffc09'9bd4F650 fffff805'5dB76e62: Ffffe507'CD5dB100 ffff9581'15D79060 fffffc09'9bd4F879 00000000'00000000: NT! Psprundownsingleprocess+0xc1
Fffffc09'9bd4F6e0 fffff805'5dB39968: 00000000'00000000 fffff805'5D70BF01 ffffe507'cae0D0F4 0000004B'42A75000: NT! Pspexitthread+0x64e
Fffffc09'9bd4F7e0 fffff805'5D6be9ad: 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000: NT! Kischedulerapcterminate+0x38
Fffffc09'9bd4F820 fffff805'5D81E470: 00000007'4FC04701 fffffc09'9bd4F8e0 00000000'00000000 00000007'4FC00000: NT! Kideliverapc+0x47D
Fffffc09'9bd4F8e0 fffff805'5D82D5DF: Ffffe507'cae0D080 ffffe507'D0A66080 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000: NT! Kiınitiateuserapc+0x70
Fffffc09'9bd4fa20 00007FFF'59aaf9D4: 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000: NT! Kisystemserviceexit+0x9F
0000004B'45bff698 00000000'00000000: 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000 00000000'00000000: 0x00007fff`59aaf9d4

Symbol_name: NT! Mideletepterun+187be8

Module_name: NT.

Image_versıon: 10.0.22621.3527

Stack_command: Cxr. Ecxr; KB.

Image_name: ntkrnlmp.exe

Bucket_ıd_func_offset: 187BE8.

Faılure_bucket_ıd: 0x1a_403_nt! Mideletepterun.

Os_versıon: 10.0.22621.1

Buıldlab_str: Ni_release.

Osplatform_type: X64.

Osname: Windows 10.

Faılure_ıd_hash: {6E89A852-58E8-3DBB-AF93-60D80DCC29E5}

Followup: Machineowner.

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