Arama Sonuçları - Sorgulanan Kelime: *

  • Üyeler: CrescentAngel5000
  • English Section kategorisinde
  • İçerik: Konular, Mesaj
  • Tarihe göre sırala
  1. CrescentAngel5000

    How did the universe occur?

    I think big bang created the universe.
  2. CrescentAngel5000

    Why should I learn German?

    Maybe for living in Germany, Austria or German speaking part of Switzerland?
  3. CrescentAngel5000

    Where are you non-Turkish people?

    Sorry for coming but there might be no Non-Turkish technopat people In here.
  4. CrescentAngel5000

    What is your favourite color?

    My favourite color is Blue. The reason of my loving the blue color is it symbolizes honesty and freedom according to me. I made it bold so you won’t misunderstand.
  5. CrescentAngel5000

    Why should we buy Huawei Matebook instead of iPad Air?

    We should buy Huawei Matebook because it has higher quality than iPad Air and even have more app features. I love this tablet!