Ardunio UNO ile ne yapılabilir?

#include <Mouse.h>

int horzPin = A1;  // Analog output of horizontal joystick pin

int vertPin = A0;  // Analog output of vertical joystick pin

int selPin = 8;  // select button pin of joystick

int selPin1 = 9; //sağ

int selPin2 = 7; //orta

int vertZero, horzZero;  // Stores the initial value of each axis, usually around 512

int vertValue, horzValue;  // Stores current analog output of each axis

const int sensitivity = 100 ;  // Higher sensitivity value = slower mouse, should be <= about 500

int mouseClickFlag = 0;

int mouseClickFlag1 = 0;

int mouseClickFlag2 = 0;

//int invertMouse = 1;        //Invert joystick based on orientation

int invertMouse = -1;         //Noninverted joystick based on orientation

void setup()



  pinMode(horzPin, INPUT);  // Set both analog pins as inputs

  pinMode(vertPin, INPUT);

  pinMode(selPin, INPUT);  // set button select pin as input

  digitalWrite(selPin, HIGH);  // Pull button select pin high

  digitalWrite(selPin1, HIGH);  // Pull button select pin high

  digitalWrite(selPin2, HIGH);  // Pull button select pin high

  delay(500);  // short delay to let outputs settle

  vertZero = analogRead(vertPin);  // get the initial values

  horzZero = analogRead(horzPin);  // Joystick should be in neutral position when reading these

  Mouse.begin(); //Init mouse emulation


void loop()


  vertValue = analogRead(vertPin) - vertZero;  // read vertical offset

  horzValue = analogRead(horzPin) - horzZero;  // read horizontal offset

  if (vertValue != 0)

    Mouse.move(0, (invertMouse * (vertValue / sensitivity)) * -1, 0); // move mouse on y axis

  if (horzValue != 0)

    Mouse.move((invertMouse * (horzValue / sensitivity)) * 1, 0, 0); // move mouse on x axis

  if ((digitalRead(selPin) == 0) && (!mouseClickFlag))  // if the joystick button is pressed


    mouseClickFlag = 1;;  // click the left button down


  else if ((digitalRead(selPin)) && (mouseClickFlag)) // if the joystick button is not pressed


    mouseClickFlag = 0;

    Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT);  // release the left button


  if ((digitalRead(selPin1) == 0) && (!mouseClickFlag1))  // if the joystick button is pressed


    mouseClickFlag1 = 1;;  // click the left button down


  else if ((digitalRead(selPin1)) && (mouseClickFlag1)) // if the joystick button is not pressed


    mouseClickFlag1 = 0;

    Mouse.release(MOUSE_RIGHT);  // release the left button


  if ((digitalRead(selPin2) == 0) && (!mouseClickFlag2))  // if the joystick button is pressed


    mouseClickFlag2 = 1;;  // click the left button down


  else if ((digitalRead(selPin2)) && (mouseClickFlag2)) // if the joystick button is not pressed


    mouseClickFlag2 = 0;

    Mouse.release(MOUSE_MIDDLE);  // release the left button


Kod bu benim kullandığım.
Arduino Pro Micro Klon
Yeteri kadar jumper kablo.
İki tane bundan.
Bir de bundan.
Tipi biraz çirkin ama yedek gibi bir şey ihtiyaçtan yaptım zaten.

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