How can I improve my speaking skills?

You must speak Turkish language in Technopat social.
Example: Merhaba forum means "Hello Technopat".
I think you are Turkish, Brother
Easy way to improve your English language, you must read English books. A1 to B2.
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
Start by using every possible device on English language
You may also Watch movies TV shows with English subtitles and English language
i learned English that way years ago.
Playing games and watching something in English is not the best thing you can do.

You need to know that there's no reason for you to be afraid of when you make a mistake while you're talking.
Your English level must be at least B1 and you need to make a habit of even thinking (talking with yourself) do it in English. That really helps. And I suggest you to continue to talk with people in that English server. I'm in that server as well. It's one of the best things you can do. Or try to find someone from that discord, get him/her number and be closer to him/her and talk more.
Well, I had studied my middle school at Doğa College and continued to Bahçeşehir in high school so I had my B1-B2 Grammar knowledge and I wanted to improve my vocabulary and casual talk, so I found myself a foreign gaming-gambling Twitch channel with 50-60 average viewer count and I started to talk with the people and the streamer in the chat and the Discord server of the streamer. It really helped me to improve my chats with strangers, it's been around a year since I started watching those streames now and I improved my English so well that I'm actually a moderator of the channel now. Not gonna tell the name of the streamer not to be advertising though. I also watch my series on Netflix set to English in both audio and subtitles.

Now only one thing left for me to improve in my English, I need to build up my speaking skills since I was only texting with people and not speaking at all so my speaking is not even close to be fluent yet. I'm trying to figure out how to improve my speaking without having to speak with native people these days, so I started to have very efficient conversations with my Google Assistant today planning to be a fluent English speaker til I go on Erasmus+ this year.
Find some English YouTube channels that is about your hobbies. While wathing their videos, you can improve your speaking skills.
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