Our young people

You ARE the next generation. Go out and do smth worthy to humanity as a whole, then we'll see what happens to the future. Turkish Youth are very diverse in terms of background. Some are very mindful and self-improving, while others cannot even find the country on a bloody map. This isn't a well constructed argument, I do agree. Yet, you see, the head that rules our education does lack a few cogs and gears. We approach education as a burden on the youth. Some even argue that both natural and social sciences are unnecessary, for religion is the answer to all. Why bother with all that mind cloggery they call 'science', while the answer to all your worldly and other worldly burden are waiting for you on the sacred scripture? You do you, I don't care, but what can you do when all you have up there is that meaningless blabbering you were forced to memorize, you were expected to recite? Memorizing as a technique of educating isn't sufficient. Our youth are intellectually capable. It's up to them to realise their genius and use it for the good of all, and us all to aid them so that they won't go to waste. Now, stop reading and get out. World needs your brain.
I think i'll choose "I think they have the potential but they don't try anything."

and counting you as a teenager i must say that you can do everything you say.
FBI open the door, and take your coat!
Maybe its tooooo late but its not FBI open the door,
*knock* *knock*
Ohh whoo is there
Ma'am Im FBI can u open the door... please?

I think they have potential, but this country is beyond salvation.
Uyarı! Bu konu 5 yıl önce açıldı.
Muhtemelen daha fazla tartışma gerekli değildir ki bu durumda yeni bir konu başlatmayı öneririz. Eğer yine de cevabınızın gerekli olduğunu düşünüyorsanız buna rağmen cevap verebilirsiniz.

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