What is your favorite game Technopat members?

It changes according to my mood, sometimes my favorite game can be Valorant and sometimes I hate Valorant most because of toxic players. Sometimes I want to immerse myself in a game and my choice is RDR 2. Sometimes I want to drive relentlessly and play Forza. In my opinion, the best game is the game that I enjoy the most at that moment.
Witcher III. The famous words of Geralt's summarizes everything.

“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.”​

― Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish
It was Rainbow Six: Siege until Ubisoft literally destroyed its own game which is ironic. I often get mad at Ubisoft because it has a fairly deep rooted history itself. They should have known how to make a game better. Instead, they make weird updates, inappropriate nerfs and buffs. I quitted the game at 4K hours. I really love the old siege but today's siege has almost nothing in common with the original siege.
CSGO, best fps game ever.
I really like the style of Bethesda’s games. To be specific, The Elder Scrolls series. I’ve spend more than 1k hours in Skyrim. It felt more free than real life, to be honest.
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