What is your favorite game Technopat members?

My favorite Game is Rocket League ovbiusly :).
I've been spend more than 500 hours in this Game (508.08).
I've started to play in 2019 and I'm still playing this Game. I play one hour every day. Sometimes, it could be more than one hour :D.
When I play this Game with my friend, I have more fun.
I really recommend this game. I heard it's free on Epic Games. You can take a look if you have never played :).
I like so many games, here my list of the games i like!

Crysis 3
Battlefield 3
Arma 3 (Story)
Payday 2 (p2w but playable ngl)
Doom 2016 (sadly i can't play Doom eternal)
Titanfall 1 (Got beated up by hackers)
"Ates ve Su"
(Not gonna lie, i don't like half-life 2, Because thats a normal "Shot and" kill game for me.)
ı am not used translator! Yeah!


My favorite Game is GTA Türk.
Damn why doesn't anyone speak Turkish? But the answer to your question is Darksiders. The reason is that I really like the story. (I definitely did not use google translate.) :D
