Google "şifremi unuttum" tuşuna basınca aynı epostaya kod gönderiyor


28 Ocak 2024
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Arkadaşlar, Google hesabıma giriş yapmaya çalışınca şifremi unuttum butonuna tıkladığımda cep telefon numarama kod gönderiyor. Lakin kodu girdiğimde ilk aşamayı tamamlıyor ardından giriş yapılmak istenen e-posta adresime kod gönderiyor. Bonus: @WexTheOrginal hocam yanlışım yoksa bu işlerden en iyi siz anlıyorsunuz bana yardımcı olabilirseniz şimdiden çok sevinirim. Toplamda 250 küsure yakın YT kanalımda abonem var.
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Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
Arkadaşlar, Google hesabıma giriş yapmaya çalışınca şifremi unuttum butonuna tıkladığımda cep telefon numarama kod gönderiyor. Lakin kodu girdiğimde ilk aşamayı tamamlıyor ardından giriş yapılmak istenen e-posta adresime kod gönderiyor. Bonus: @WexTheOrginal hocam yanlışım yoksa bu işlerden en iyi siz anlıyorsunuz bana yardımcı olabilirseniz şimdiden çok sevinirim. Toplamda 250 küsure yakın YT kanalımda abonem var.
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Eki Görüntüle 2110400

Hocam öncelikle merhaba üzerinde çalıştığım bir hesap daha var aynı durumda olan kesinlikle hesabın üzerine gitmeyin ve 48 saat hatası verdirmeyin. Vereceğim adımları deneyin olmazsa Google desteğe başvuralım.
Google Fotoğraflar sayfasına Chrome üzerinden gidin. E-posta adresimi unuttum yapın. Ardından telefon numaranızı onaylayın. Ardından telefon numaranıza gelen kodu girin. Daha sonra karşınıza hesaplar çıkacak oradan çıkan hesaplardan hangisi sizin ise seçip deneyebilirsiniz olmaz ise tekrar etiket atabilirsiniz.
Hocam öncelikle merhaba üzerinde çalıştığım bir hesap daha var aynı durumda olan kesinlikle hesabın üzerine gitmeyin ve 48 saat hatası verdirmeyin. Vereceğim adımları deneyin olmazsa Google desteğe başvuralım.
Google Fotoğraflar sayfasına Chrome üzerinden gidin. E-posta adresimi unuttum yapın. Ardından telefon numaranızı onaylayın. Ardından telefon numaranıza gelen kodu girin. Daha sonra karşınıza hesaplar çıkacak oradan çıkan hesaplardan hangisi sizin ise seçip deneyebilirsiniz olmaz ise tekrar etiket atabilirsiniz.
Olmadı hocam.
Samsung Galaxy A21s - SM-A217F

Tamam hocam bir destek yazısı hazırlayalım.

Samsung Galaxy A21s - SM-A217F

Hello dear Google officials. I forgot the password of my Google account recently. I wanted to change the Brand and model of the forgotten device ("Samsung Galaxy A21s - SM-A217F"). When ı want to change my password, a code is sent to my Phone number. ("şifresini değiştirmek istediğin mail") then since two-step verification is on, the verification code is sent to my e-mail whose password ı forgot. I have 250 subscribers on my YouTube account registered to my Google account. My YouTube channel has existed for years and my father's videos ETC. I know that Google officials will help me and will not let me down. Have a good work in advance, good luck. Google user.

Amerika VPN açıp gönderirsen daha etkili olur.
Son düzenleme:
Tamam hocam bir destek yazısı hazırlayalım.

Hello dear Google officials. I forgot the password of my Google account recently. I wanted to change the Brand and model of the forgotten device ("Samsung Galaxy A21s - SM-A217F"). When ı want to change my password, a code is sent to my Phone number. ("şifresini değiştirmek istediğin mail") then since two-step verification is on, the verification code is sent to my e-mail whose password ı forgot. I have 250 subscribers on my YouTube account registered to my Google account. My YouTube channel has existed for years and my father's videos ETC. I know that Google officials will help me and will not let me down. Have a good work in advance, good luck. Google user.

Amerika VPN açıp gönderirsen daha etkili olur.
Hangi e-posta adresine göndereceğim peki?
Hocam kullanacağınız Google hesabının 3 noktasına bastığınızda geri bildirim gönder veya Google destek tuşuna tıklayıp gönderiniz.
Hocam google destek az önce dalga geçip postaladı beni resmen. Workspace üzerinden deneme sürümünden faydalanıp canlı destek chatiyle iletişime geçtim. Sohbetin kayıtları elimde duruyor hatta kopyası. İsterseniz buraya göndereyim herkes görsün gugılın rezilliğini.

Thanks for contacting support.​

You can find a copy of the conversation you requested below.

Chat transcript for case: 5-5922000036168
Feb 18, 10:48 AM (Pacific Time)

10:48:59 AM Lily: Lily joined the conversation
10:49:01 AM joined the conversation
10:49:05 AM Lily: Welcome! Your Case ID is 5-5922000036168. Refer to this if you need to contact us again.
10:49:17 AM Lily: Thank you for contacting Workspace Individual Support! My name is Lily. I hope you're doing great!
Hello, I have an question.
10:49:58 AM Lily: Sure, please go ahead.
I forgot the password of my Google account recently. I wanted to change the Brand and model of the forgotten device ("Samsung Galaxy A21s - SM-A217F"). When I want to change my password, a code is sent to my Phone number. ("") then since two-step verification is on, the verification code is sent to my e-mail whose password ı forgot. I have 250 subscribers on my YouTube account registered to my Google account. My YouTube channel has existed for years and my father's videos ETC. I know that Google officials will help me and will not let me down. Have a good work in advance, good luck. Google user.
10:51:12 AM Lily: Thank you so much for the information. I'll be happy to look into this for you.
10:51:22 AM Lily: Are we working with this email address, ?
no address
10:51:52 AM Lily: I see. Thanks for clarifying.
10:52:54 AM Lily: I understand your situation about the Google account in question, but I would like to set your proper expectations that my expertise is with Workspace Individual concerns directly.
I understand.
10:53:52 AM Lily: Since the issue is related to accessing your Google Account. To troubleshoot, visit the Google Account troubleshooter at or start the account recovery process at
I've tried it, it doesn't work.
The problem is that it sends the code again to the mail address I mentioned.
same address
10:55:47 AM Lily: I see. If that's the case, you can try it at home or work with a device that you’ve used before to sign in successfully.
Can you wait a little longer, if you don't mind?
10:56:46 AM Lily: Sure, I'll be here.
10:58:06 AM Lily: May I know if you’re still there?
im here
10:58:41 AM Lily: Thanks for responding. By the way, do you have any questions with your Workspace Individual subscription?
Issue here
11:00:43 AM Lily: Thanks for the screenshot.
11:01:14 AM Lily: Can you please translate what is being said on the picture for me?
An email with the verification code has just been sent to
I meant same address sending
11:02:10 AM Lily: Thanks!
11:02:18 AM Lily: Do you have any other devices that has this account signed in?
I've reset my device before.
11:03:44 AM Lily: I see. If you don't mind me asking again, do you have any other devices that you were using that have this account signed in?
Now I mean, how do we recover this account?
11:05:39 AM Lily: Thanks for answering.
11:06:37 AM Lily: To answer your question, kindly wait for 24 hours then try again, but this time try to use different devices when attempting to recover your account.
I tried them all.
11:08:09 AM Lily: I understand. Please try again after waiting for 24 hours.
If I am not mistaken, the device I reset remained logged in.
Is there no other way to solve this?
11:09:42 AM Lily: The only way to recover your account is to go through the troubleshooting via or and provide any information possible.
11:10:09 AM Lily: Please know that this is completely automated and we don't have tools to recover any accounts on our end to protect the account owner's privacy.
I am the account holder.
Ask any question and I will answer it.
11:11:52 AM Lily: Apologies, but I would like to clarify that we don't have tools to recover any Google accounts. Please know that the process of doing this is entirely automated.
11:12:31 AM Lily: In the future, please make sure that you provide any information needed on your Google account settings so that you will be able to restore it in case you've forgotten it.
But I can't access it in any way?
11:13:10 AM Lily: This is why you need to wait for 24 hours from now and try again.
11:13:36 AM Lily: Having that said, do you have any questions aside from this?
But I tried. Many times. I always get the same error.
11:14:26 AM Lily: I understand what you mean. Please wait for 24 hours then you can try it again. There might be a chance that you will be able to recover it.
In the meantime, can I file a lawsuit to recover the account through legal means?
11:16:50 AM Lily: To answer your question, the only way to recover the account is to go through the account troubleshooting and provide the information that is being asked by the system.
: Also, I enter the code sent to my cell phone, but it sends an extra code to the e-mail address I want to enter. that's the problem.
11:18:39 AM Lily: Thanks for letting me know.
11:19:02 AM Lily: In the meantime, please refrain from attempting to recover your account today and wait for 24 hours.
11:19:07 AM Lily: After that, you can try it again.
Alright Thanks for your help.
11:19:32 AM Lily: You're welcome.
11:19:38 AM Lily: Do you have any other questions for me?
11:19:57 AM Lily: It was a pleasure chatting with you today! Thanks again for contacting Workspace Individual Support. Have a great one!
11:20:00 AM Lily: Lily left the conversation
11:20:01 AM Lily: Thank you for contacting Google Workspace Individual chat support. Your chat session is now complete.
11:20:01 AM Lily: Lily ended the conversation
Son düzenleme:
Hocam Google destek az önce dalga geçip postaladı beni resmen. Workspace üzerinden deneme sürümünden faydalanıp canlı destek chatiyle iletişime geçtim. Sohbetin kayıtları elimde duruyor hatta kopyası. İsterseniz buraya göndereyim herkes görsün gugılın rezilliğini.

thanks for contacting Support.​

You can find a copy of the conversation you requested below.

Chat transcript for case: 5-5922000036168
Feb 18, 10:48 am (pacific time)

10:48:59 am lily: Lily joined the conversation.
10:49:01 am joined the conversation.
10:49:05 am lily: Welcome! Your case ID is 5-5922000036168. refer to this if you need to contact us again.
10:49:17 am lily: Thank you for contacting workspace ındividual Support! My name is lily. I hope you're doing great!
Hello, ı have an question.
10:49:58 am lily: Sure, please GO ahead.
I forgot the password of my Google account recently. I wanted to change the Brand and model of the forgotten device ("Samsung Galaxy A21s - SM-A217F"). When ı want to change my password, a code is sent to my Phone number. ("") then since two-step verification is on, the verification code is sent to my e-mail whose password ı forgot. I have 250 subscribers on my YouTube account registered to my Google account. My YouTube channel has existed for years and my father's videos ETC. I know that Google officials will help me and will not let me down. Have a good work in advance, good luck. Google user.
10:51:12 am lily: Thank you so much for the information. I'll be happy to look into this for you.
10:51:22 am lily: Are we working with this email address?
No address.
10:51:52 am lily: I see. Thanks for clarifying.
10:52:54 am lily: I understand your situation about the Google account in question, but ı would like to set your proper expectations that my expertise is with workspace ındividual concerns directly.
I understand.
10:53:52 am lily: Since the issue is related to accessing your Google account. To troubleshoot, visit the Google account troubleshooter at or start the account recovery process at
I've tried it, it doesn't work.
The problem is that it sends the code again to the mail address ı mentioned.
Same address.
10:55:47 am lily: I see. If that's the case, you can try it at Home or work with a device that you've used before to sign in successfully.
Can you wait a little longer, if you don't mind?
10:56:46 am lily: Sure, ı'll be here.
10:58:06 am lily: May ı know if you're still there?
İm here.
10:58:41 am lily: Thanks for responding. By the way, do you have any questions with your workspace ındividual subscription?
Issue here.
11:00:43 am lily: Thanks for the screenshot.
11:01:14 am lily: Can you please translate what is being said on the picture for me?
An email with the verification code has just been sent to.
I meant same address sending.
11:02:10 am lily: Thanks!
11:02:18 am lily: Do you have any other devices that has this account signed in?
I've reset my device before.
11:03:44 am lily: I see. If you don't mind me asking again, do you have any other devices that you were using that have this account signed in?
Now ı mean, how do we recover this account?
11:05:39 am lily: Thanks for answering.
11:06:37 am lily: To answer your question, kindly wait for 24 hours then try again, but this time try to use different devices when attempting to recover your account.
I tried them all.
11:08:09 am lily: I understand. Please try again after waiting for 24 hours.
If ı am not mistaken, the device ı reset remained logged in.
Is there no other way to solve this?
11:09:42 am lily: The only way to recover your account is to GO through the troubleshooting VIA or and provide any information possible.
11:10:09 am lily: Please know that this is completely automated and we don't have Tools to recover any accounts on our end to protect the account owner's privacy.
I am the account holder.
Ask any question and ı will answer it.
11:11:52 am lily: Apologies, but ı would like to clarify that we don't have Tools to recover any Google accounts. Please know that the process of doing this is entirely automated.
11:12:31 am lily: In the future, please make sure that you provide any information needed on your Google account settings so that you will be able to restore it in case you've forgotten it.
But ı can't Access it in any way?
11:13:10 am lily: This is why you need to wait for 24 hours from now and try again.
11:13:36 am lily: Having that said, do you have any questions aside from this?
But ı tried. Many times. I always get the same error.
11:14:26 am lily: I understand what you mean. Please wait for 24 hours then you can try it again. There might be a chance that you will be able to recover it.
In the meantime, can ı file a lawsuit to recover the account through legal means?
11:16:50 am lily: To answer your question, the only way to recover the account is to GO through the account troubleshooting and provide the information that is being asked by the System.
Also, ı enter the code sent to my cell Phone, but it sends an extra code to the e-mail address ı want to enter. That's the problem.
11:18:39 am lily: Thanks for letting me know.
11:19:02 am lily: In the meantime, please refrain from attempting to recover your account today and wait for 24 hours.
11:19:07 am lily: After that, you can try it again.
Alright thanks for your help.
11:19:32 am lily: You're welcome.
11:19:38 am lily: Do you have any other questions for me?
11:19:57 am lily: It was a pleasure chatting with you today! Thanks again for contacting workspace ındividual Support. Have a great One!
11:20:00 am lily: Lily left the conversation.
11:20:01 am lily: Thank you for contacting Google workspace ındividual chat Support. Your chat session is now Complete.
11:20:01 am lily: Lily ended the conversation.

Hocam aslında bir yandan sizde haklısınız onlarda haklı. Hesap çalınmaları gibi olaylar çok oluyor güvenliğin yüksek seviyede tutulması güzel bir şey diğer yandan en ufak hatada Google hesabınız gidiyor. Sizi bir arkadaşıma yönlendirmeye çalışacağım size yardımcı olacaktır. Beklemede kalın haber vereceğim.
