Discord DM silme kodundan sonra Spotify ve Discord hesapları çalınıyor


29 Temmuz 2021
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Arkadaşlar şimdi ben Discord DM silme kodu yapıştırdım F12'ye sonra baktım token almaya çalışıyor ama Discord engelliyor. Sonra sabah kalktım Spotify hesabım e-postası değiştirilmiş. Ben bu kodu inaktif etmek için ne yapmalıyım? Yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.

Kodu buraya bırakıyorum:

(function () {
    let stop;
    let popup;
    popup = window.open('', '', `top=0,left=${screen.width-800},width=850,height=${screen.height}`);
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    popup.document.write(/*html*/`<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html><head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>Delete Discord Messages</title><base target="_blank">
    <style>body{background-color:#36393f;color:#dcddde;font-family:sans-serif;font-size: 9pt;} a{color:#00b0f4;}
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    input#file{display: none}hr{border-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.1);}
    <div class="toolbar" style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;padding:8px;background:#36393f;box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2), 0 1.5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05), 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05);">
        <div style="display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;">
            <span>Authorization <a href="undiscord/help/authToken.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a> <button id="getToken">auto</button><br>
                <input type="password" id="authToken" placeholder="Auth Token" autofocus>*<br>
                <span>Author <a href="undiscord/help/authorId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a> <button id="getAuthor">auto</button></span>
                <br><input id="authorId" type="text" placeholder="Author ID" priv></span>
            <span>Guild/Channel <a href="undiscord/help/channelId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a>
                <button id="getGuildAndChannel">auto</button><br>
                <input id="guildId" type="text" placeholder="Guild ID" priv><br>
                <input id="channelId" type="text" placeholder="Channel ID" priv><br>
                <label><input id="includeNsfw" type="checkbox">NSFW Channel</label><br><br>
                <label for="file"  title="Import list of channels from messages/index.json file"> Import: <span class="btn">...</span> <input id="file" type="file" accept="application/json,.json"></label>
            <span>Range <a href="undiscord/help/messageId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a><br>
                <input id="minDate" type="datetime-local" title="After" style="width:auto;"><br>
                <input id="maxDate" type="datetime-local" title="Before" style="width:auto;"><br>
                <input id="minId" type="text" placeholder="After message with Id" priv><br>
                <input id="maxId" type="text" placeholder="Before message with Id" priv><br>
            <span>Search messages <a href="undiscord/help/filters.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a><br>
                <input id="content" type="text" placeholder="Containing text" priv><br>
                <label><input id="hasLink" type="checkbox">has: link</label><br>
                <label><input id="hasFile" type="checkbox">has: file</label><br>
                <label><input id="includePinned" type="checkbox">Include pinned</label>
        <button id="start" style="background:#43b581;width:80px;">Start</button>
        <button id="stop" style="background:#f04747;width:80px;" disabled>Stop</button>
        <button id="clear" style="width:80px;">Clear log</button>
        <label><input id="autoScroll" type="checkbox" checked>Auto scroll</label>
        <label title="Hide sensitive information for taking screenshots"><input id="redact" type="checkbox">Screenshot mode</label>
        <progress id="progress" style="display:none;"></progress>
    <pre style="margin-top:200px;font-size:0.75rem;font-family:Consolas,Liberation Mono,Menlo,Courier,monospace;">
        <center>Star this project on <a href="GitHub - victornpb/undiscord: Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete" target="_blank">github.com/victornpb/deleteDiscordMessages</a>!\n\n
            <a href="Issues · victornpb/undiscord" target="_blank">Issues or help</a></center>

    const $ = s => popup.document.querySelector(s);
    const logArea = $('pre');
    const startBtn = $('button#start');
    const stopBtn = $('button#stop');
    const autoScroll = $('#autoScroll');
    startBtn.onclick = async e => {
        const authToken = $('input#authToken').value.trim();
        const authorId = $('input#authorId').value.trim();
        const guildId = $('input#guildId').value.trim();
        const channelIds = $('input#channelId').value.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
        const minId = $('input#minId').value.trim();
        const maxId = $('input#maxId').value.trim();
        const minDate = $('input#minDate').value.trim();
        const maxDate = $('input#maxDate').value.trim();
        const content = $('input#content').value.trim();
        const hasLink = $('input#hasLink').checked;
        const hasFile = $('input#hasFile').checked;
        const includeNsfw = $('input#includeNsfw').checked;
        const includePinned = $('input#includePinned').checked;
        const progress = $('#progress');

        const fileSelection = $("input#file");
        fileSelection.addEventListener("change", () => {
            const files = fileSelection.files;
            const channelIdField = $('input#channelId');
            if (files.length > 0) {
                const file = files[0];
                file.text().then(text => {
                    let json = JSON.parse(text);
                    let channels = Object.keys(json);
                    channelIdField.value = channels.join(",");
        }, false);

        const stopHndl = () => !(stop === true || popup.closed);

        const onProg = (value, max) => {
            progress.setAttribute('max', max);
            progress.value = value;
            progress.style.display = max ? '' : 'none';

        stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = true);
        for (let i = 0; i < channelIds.length; i++) {
            await deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelIds, minId || minDate, maxId || maxDate, content, hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, logger, stopHndl, onProg);
            stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false);
    stopBtn.onclick = e => stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false);
    $('button#clear').onclick = e => { logArea.innerHTML = ''; };
    $('button#getToken').onclick = e => {
        window.dispatchEvent(new Event('beforeunload'));
        $('input#authToken').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.token);
    $('button#getAuthor').onclick = e => {
        $('input#authorId').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.user_id_cache);
    $('button#getGuildAndChannel').onclick = e => {
        const m = location.href.match(/channels\/([\w@]+)\/(\d+)/);
        $('input#guildId').value = m[1];
        $('input#channelId').value = m[2];
    $('#redact').onchange = e => {
        popup.document.body.classList.toggle('redact') &&
        popup.alert('This will attempt to hide personal information, but make sure to double check before sharing screenshots.');

    const logger = (type='', args) => {
        const style = { '': '', info: 'color:#00b0f4;', verb: 'color:#72767d;', warn: 'color:#faa61a;', error: 'color:#f04747;', success: 'color:#43b581;' }[type];
        logArea.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div style="${style}">${Array.from(args).map(o => typeof o === 'object' ?  JSON.stringify(o, o instanceof Error && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)) : o).join('\t')}</div>`);
        if (autoScroll.checked) logArea.querySelector('div:last-child').scrollIntoView(false);

    return 'Looking good!';
     * Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM
     * @param {string} authToken Your authorization token
     * @param {string} authorId Author of the messages you want to delete
     * @param {string} guildId Server were the messages are located
     * @param {string} channelId Channel were the messages are located
     * @param {string} minId Only delete messages after this, leave blank do delete all
     * @param {string} maxId Only delete messages before this, leave blank do delete all
     * @param {string} content Filter messages that contains this text content
     * @param {boolean} hasLink Filter messages that contains link
     * @param {boolean} hasFile Filter messages that contains file
     * @param {boolean} includeNsfw Search in NSFW channels
     * @param {function(string, Array)} extLogger Function for logging
     * @param {function} stopHndl stopHndl used for stopping
     * [USER=371613]@AUTHOR[/USER] Victornpb <victornpb - Overview>
     * [USER=415172]@SeE[/USER] GitHub - victornpb/undiscord: Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
    async function deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelId, minId, maxId, content,hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, extLogger, stopHndl, onProgress) {
        const start = new Date();
        const delayReductionGeometricFactor = 0.6; // 1/n
        const delayAdjustmentThreshold = 5; // ms
        let baseDeleteDelay = 100;
        let deleteDelay = baseDeleteDelay;
        let baseSearchDelay = 100;
        let searchDelay = baseSearchDelay;
        let delCount = 0;
        let failCount = 0;
        let avgPing;
        let lastPing;
        let grandTotal;
        let throttledCount = 0;
        let throttledTotalTime = 0;
        let offset = 0;
        let iterations = -1;
        const wait = async ms => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, ms));
        const msToHMS = s => `${s / 3.6e6 | 0}h ${(s % 3.6e6) / 6e4 | 0}m ${(s % 6e4) / 1000 | 0}s`;
        const escapeHTML = html => html.replace(/[&<"']/g, m => ({ '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '"': '&quot;', '\'': '&#039;' })[m]);
        const redact = str => `<span class="priv">${escapeHTML(str)}</span><span class="mask">REDACTED</span>`;
        const queryString = params => params.filter(p => p[1] !== undefined).map(p => p[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(p[1])).join('&');
        const ask = async msg => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(popup.confirm(msg)), 10));
        const printDelayStats = () => log.verb(`Delete delay: ${deleteDelay}ms, Search delay: ${searchDelay}ms`, `Last Ping: ${lastPing}ms, Average Ping: ${avgPing|0}ms`);
        const toSnowflake = (date) => /:/.test(date) ? ((new Date(date).getTime() - 1420070400000) * Math.pow(2, 22)) : date;
        const log = {
            debug() { extLogger ? extLogger('debug', arguments) : console.debug.apply(console, arguments); },
            info() { extLogger ? extLogger('info', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); },
            verb() { extLogger ? extLogger('verb', arguments) : console.log.apply(console, arguments); },
            warn() { extLogger ? extLogger('warn', arguments) : console.warn.apply(console, arguments); },
            error() { extLogger ? extLogger('error', arguments) : console.error.apply(console, arguments); },
            success() { extLogger ? extLogger('success', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); },

        async function recurse() {
            let API_SEARCH_URL;
            if (guildId === '@me') {
                API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${channelId}/messages/`; // DMs
            else {
                API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/guilds/${guildId}/messages/`; // Server

            const headers = {
                'Authorization': authToken
            let resp;
            try {
                const s = Date.now();
                resp = await fetch(API_SEARCH_URL + 'search?' + queryString([
                    [ 'author_id', authorId || undefined ],
                    [ 'channel_id', (guildId !== '@me' ? channelId : undefined) || undefined ],
                    [ 'min_id', minId ? toSnowflake(minId) : undefined ],
                    [ 'max_id', maxId ? toSnowflake(maxId) : undefined ],
                    [ 'sort_by', 'timestamp' ],
                    [ 'sort_order', 'desc' ],
                    [ 'offset', offset ],
                    [ 'has', hasLink ? 'link' : undefined ],
                    [ 'has', hasFile ? 'file' : undefined ],
                    [ 'content', content || undefined ],
                    [ 'include_nsfw', includeNsfw ? true : undefined ],
                ]), { headers });
                lastPing = (Date.now() - s);
                avgPing = avgPing>0 ? (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1) : lastPing;
            } catch (err) {
                return log.error('Search request threw an error:', err);
            // not indexed yet
            if (resp.status === 202) {
                const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                throttledTotalTime += w;
                log.warn(`This channel wasn't indexed, waiting ${w}ms for discord to index it...`);
                await wait(w);
                return await recurse();
            if (!resp.ok) {
                // searching messages too fast
                if (resp.status === 429) {
                    const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                    throttledTotalTime += w;
                    baseSearchDelay = searchDelay;
                    searchDelay = w > baseSearchDelay ? w : baseSearchDelay
                    log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing search delay to ${searchDelay}ms, adjusting base search delay to ${baseSearchDelay}ms`);
                    log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w * 2}ms before retrying...`);
                    await wait(w*2);
                    return await recurse();
                } else {
                    return log.error(`Error searching messages, API responded with status ${resp.status}!\n`, await resp.json());
            else if (searchDelay - baseSearchDelay > delayAdjustmentThreshold)
                searchDelay = baseSearchDelay + (searchDelay - baseSearchDelay) * delayReductionGeometricFactor;
                log.verb(`Search delay lowered to ${searchDelay}ms`);
            const data = await resp.json();
            const total = data.total_results;
            if (!grandTotal) grandTotal = total;
            const discoveredMessages = data.messages.map(convo => convo.find(message => message.hit===true));
            const messagesToDelete = discoveredMessages.filter(msg => {
                return msg.type === 0 || msg.type === 6 || (msg.pinned && includePinned);
            const skippedMessages = discoveredMessages.filter(msg=>!messagesToDelete.find(m=> m.id===msg.id));

            const end = () => {
                log.success(`Ended at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}! Total time: ${msToHMS(Date.now() - start.getTime())}`);
                log.verb(`Rate Limited: ${throttledCount} times. Total time throttled: ${msToHMS(throttledTotalTime)}.`);
                log.debug(`Deleted ${delCount} messages, ${failCount} failed.\n`);

            const etr = msToHMS((searchDelay * Math.round(total / 25)) + ((deleteDelay + avgPing) * total));
            log.info(`Total messages found: ${data.total_results}`, `(Messages in current page: ${data.messages.length}, To be deleted: ${messagesToDelete.length}, System: ${skippedMessages.length})`, `offset: ${offset}`);
            log.verb(`Estimated time remaining: ${etr}`)
            if (messagesToDelete.length > 0) {

                if (++iterations < 1) {
                    log.verb(`Waiting for your confirmation...`);
                    if (!await ask(`Do you want to delete ~${total} messages?\nEstimated time: ${etr}\n\n---- Preview ----\n` +
                        messagesToDelete.map(m => `${m.author.username}#${m.author.discriminator}: ${m.attachments.length ? '[ATTACHMENTS]' : m.content}`).join('\n')))
                            return end(log.error('Aborted by you!'));
                for (let i = 0; i < messagesToDelete.length; i++) {
                    const message = messagesToDelete;
                    if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!'));

                    log.debug(`${((delCount + 1) / grandTotal * 100).toFixed(2)}% (${delCount + 1}/${grandTotal})`,
                        `Deleting ID:${redact(message.id)} <b>${redact(message.author.username+'#'+message.author.discriminator)} <small>(${redact(new Date(message.timestamp).toLocaleString())})</small>:</b> <i>${redact(message.content).replace(/\n/g,'↵')}</i>`,
                        message.attachments.length ? redact(JSON.stringify(message.attachments)) : '');
                    if (onProgress) onProgress(delCount + 1, grandTotal);
                    let resp;
                    try {
                        const s = Date.now();
                        const API_DELETE_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${message.channel_id}/messages/${message.id}`;
                        resp = await fetch(API_DELETE_URL, {
                            method: 'DELETE'
                        lastPing = (Date.now() - s);
                        avgPing = (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1);
                    } catch (err) {
                        log.error('Delete request throwed an error:', err);
                        log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message)));

                    if (!resp.ok) {
                        // deleting messages too fast
                        if (resp.status === 429) {
                            const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                            throttledTotalTime += w;
                            baseDeleteDelay = deleteDelay;
                            deleteDelay = w > baseDeleteDelay ? w : baseDeleteDelay;
                            log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing delete delay to ${deleteDelay}ms, adjusting base delete delay to ${baseDeleteDelay}ms`);
                            log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w*2}ms before retrying...`);
                            await wait(w*2);
                            i--; // retry
                        } else {
                            log.error(`Error deleting message, API responded with status ${resp.status}!`, await resp.json());
                            log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message)));
                    else if (deleteDelay - baseDeleteDelay > delayAdjustmentThreshold)
                        deleteDelay = baseDeleteDelay + (deleteDelay - baseDeleteDelay) * delayReductionGeometricFactor;
                        log.verb(`Delete delay lowered to ${deleteDelay}ms`);
                    await wait(deleteDelay);

                if (skippedMessages.length > 0) {
                    grandTotal -= skippedMessages.length;
                    offset += skippedMessages.length;
                    log.verb(`Found ${skippedMessages.length} system messages! Decreasing grandTotal to ${grandTotal} and increasing offset to ${offset}.`);
                log.verb(`Searching next messages in ${searchDelay}ms...`, (offset ? `(offset: ${offset})` : '') );
                await wait(searchDelay);

                if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!'));

                return await recurse();
            } else {
                if (total - offset > 0) log.warn('Ended because API returned an empty page.');
                return end();

        log.success(`\nStarted at ${start.toLocaleString()}`);
        log.debug(`authorId="${redact(authorId)}" guildId="${redact(guildId)}" channelId="${redact(channelId)}" minId="${redact(minId)}" maxId="${redact(maxId)}" hasLink=${!!hasLink} hasFile=${!!hasFile}`);
        if (onProgress) onProgress(null, 1);
        return await recurse();
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
Arkadaşlar şimdi ben Discord DM silme kodu yapıştırdım F12'ye sonra baktım token almaya çalışıyor ama Discord engelliyor. Sonra sabah kalktım Spotify hesabım e-postası değiştirilmiş. Ben bu kodu inaktif etmek için ne yapmalıyım? Yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.

Kodu buraya bırakıyorum:

(function () {
    let stop;
    let popup;
    popup = window.open('', '', `top=0,left=${screen.width-800},width=850,height=${screen.height}`);
    if(!popup || !popup.document || !popup.document.write) return console.error('Popup blocked! Please allow popups and try again.');
    popup.document.write(/*html*/`<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html><head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>Delete Discord Messages</title><base target="_blank">
    <style>body{background-color:#36393f;color:#dcddde;font-family:sans-serif;font-size: 9pt;} a{color:#00b0f4;}
    body.redact .priv{display:none;} body:not(.redact) .mask{display:none;} body.redact [priv]{-webkit-text-security:disc;}
    .toolbar span{margin-right:8px;}
    button,.btn{color:#fff;background:#7289da;border:0;border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;} button:disabled{display:none;}
    input[type="text"],input[type="search"],input[type="password"],input[type="datetime-local"]{background-color:#202225;color:#b9bbbe;border-radius:4px;border:0;padding:0 .5em;height:24px;width:144px;margin:2px;}
    input#file{display: none}hr{border-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.1);}
    <div class="toolbar" style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;padding:8px;background:#36393f;box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2), 0 1.5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05), 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05);">
        <div style="display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;">
            <span>Authorization <a href="undiscord/help/authToken.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a> <button id="getToken">auto</button><br>
                <input type="password" id="authToken" placeholder="Auth Token" autofocus>*<br>
                <span>Author <a href="undiscord/help/authorId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a> <button id="getAuthor">auto</button></span>
                <br><input id="authorId" type="text" placeholder="Author ID" priv></span>
            <span>Guild/Channel <a href="undiscord/help/channelId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a>
                <button id="getGuildAndChannel">auto</button><br>
                <input id="guildId" type="text" placeholder="Guild ID" priv><br>
                <input id="channelId" type="text" placeholder="Channel ID" priv><br>
                <label><input id="includeNsfw" type="checkbox">NSFW Channel</label><br><br>
                <label for="file"  title="Import list of channels from messages/index.json file"> Import: <span class="btn">...</span> <input id="file" type="file" accept="application/json,.json"></label>
            <span>Range <a href="undiscord/help/messageId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a><br>
                <input id="minDate" type="datetime-local" title="After" style="width:auto;"><br>
                <input id="maxDate" type="datetime-local" title="Before" style="width:auto;"><br>
                <input id="minId" type="text" placeholder="After message with Id" priv><br>
                <input id="maxId" type="text" placeholder="Before message with Id" priv><br>
            <span>Search messages <a href="undiscord/help/filters.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a><br>
                <input id="content" type="text" placeholder="Containing text" priv><br>
                <label><input id="hasLink" type="checkbox">has: link</label><br>
                <label><input id="hasFile" type="checkbox">has: file</label><br>
                <label><input id="includePinned" type="checkbox">Include pinned</label>
        <button id="start" style="background:#43b581;width:80px;">Start</button>
        <button id="stop" style="background:#f04747;width:80px;" disabled>Stop</button>
        <button id="clear" style="width:80px;">Clear log</button>
        <label><input id="autoScroll" type="checkbox" checked>Auto scroll</label>
        <label title="Hide sensitive information for taking screenshots"><input id="redact" type="checkbox">Screenshot mode</label>
        <progress id="progress" style="display:none;"></progress>
    <pre style="margin-top:200px;font-size:0.75rem;font-family:Consolas,Liberation Mono,Menlo,Courier,monospace;">
        <center>Star this project on <a href="GitHub - victornpb/undiscord: Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete" target="_blank">github.com/victornpb/deleteDiscordMessages</a>!\n\n
            <a href="Issues · victornpb/undiscord" target="_blank">Issues or help</a></center>

    const $ = s => popup.document.querySelector(s);
    const logArea = $('pre');
    const startBtn = $('button#start');
    const stopBtn = $('button#stop');
    const autoScroll = $('#autoScroll');
    startBtn.onclick = async e => {
        const authToken = $('input#authToken').value.trim();
        const authorId = $('input#authorId').value.trim();
        const guildId = $('input#guildId').value.trim();
        const channelIds = $('input#channelId').value.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
        const minId = $('input#minId').value.trim();
        const maxId = $('input#maxId').value.trim();
        const minDate = $('input#minDate').value.trim();
        const maxDate = $('input#maxDate').value.trim();
        const content = $('input#content').value.trim();
        const hasLink = $('input#hasLink').checked;
        const hasFile = $('input#hasFile').checked;
        const includeNsfw = $('input#includeNsfw').checked;
        const includePinned = $('input#includePinned').checked;
        const progress = $('#progress');

        const fileSelection = $("input#file");
        fileSelection.addEventListener("change", () => {
            const files = fileSelection.files;
            const channelIdField = $('input#channelId');
            if (files.length > 0) {
                const file = files[0];
                file.text().then(text => {
                    let json = JSON.parse(text);
                    let channels = Object.keys(json);
                    channelIdField.value = channels.join(",");
        }, false);

        const stopHndl = () => !(stop === true || popup.closed);

        const onProg = (value, max) => {
            progress.setAttribute('max', max);
            progress.value = value;
            progress.style.display = max ? '' : 'none';

        stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = true);
        for (let i = 0; i < channelIds.length; i++) {
            await deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelIds, minId || minDate, maxId || maxDate, content, hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, logger, stopHndl, onProg);
            stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false);
    stopBtn.onclick = e => stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false);
    $('button#clear').onclick = e => { logArea.innerHTML = ''; };
    $('button#getToken').onclick = e => {
        window.dispatchEvent(new Event('beforeunload'));
        $('input#authToken').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.token);
    $('button#getAuthor').onclick = e => {
        $('input#authorId').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.user_id_cache);
    $('button#getGuildAndChannel').onclick = e => {
        const m = location.href.match(/channels\/([\w@]+)\/(\d+)/);
        $('input#guildId').value = m[1];
        $('input#channelId').value = m[2];
    $('#redact').onchange = e => {
        popup.document.body.classList.toggle('redact') &&
        popup.alert('This will attempt to hide personal information, but make sure to double check before sharing screenshots.');

    const logger = (type='', args) => {
        const style = { '': '', info: 'color:#00b0f4;', verb: 'color:#72767d;', warn: 'color:#faa61a;', error: 'color:#f04747;', success: 'color:#43b581;' }[type];
        logArea.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div style="${style}">${Array.from(args).map(o => typeof o === 'object' ?  JSON.stringify(o, o instanceof Error && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)) : o).join('\t')}</div>`);
        if (autoScroll.checked) logArea.querySelector('div:last-child').scrollIntoView(false);

    return 'Looking good!';
     * Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM
     * @param {string} authToken Your authorization token
     * @param {string} authorId Author of the messages you want to delete
     * @param {string} guildId Server were the messages are located
     * @param {string} channelId Channel were the messages are located
     * @param {string} minId Only delete messages after this, leave blank do delete all
     * @param {string} maxId Only delete messages before this, leave blank do delete all
     * @param {string} content Filter messages that contains this text content
     * @param {boolean} hasLink Filter messages that contains link
     * @param {boolean} hasFile Filter messages that contains file
     * @param {boolean} includeNsfw Search in NSFW channels
     * @param {function(string, Array)} extLogger Function for logging
     * @param {function} stopHndl stopHndl used for stopping
     * [USER=371613]@AUTHOR[/USER] Victornpb <victornpb - Overview>
     * [USER=415172]@SeE[/USER] GitHub - victornpb/undiscord: Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
    async function deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelId, minId, maxId, content,hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, extLogger, stopHndl, onProgress) {
        const start = new Date();
        const delayReductionGeometricFactor = 0.6; // 1/n
        const delayAdjustmentThreshold = 5; // ms
        let baseDeleteDelay = 100;
        let deleteDelay = baseDeleteDelay;
        let baseSearchDelay = 100;
        let searchDelay = baseSearchDelay;
        let delCount = 0;
        let failCount = 0;
        let avgPing;
        let lastPing;
        let grandTotal;
        let throttledCount = 0;
        let throttledTotalTime = 0;
        let offset = 0;
        let iterations = -1;
        const wait = async ms => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, ms));
        const msToHMS = s => `${s / 3.6e6 | 0}h ${(s % 3.6e6) / 6e4 | 0}m ${(s % 6e4) / 1000 | 0}s`;
        const escapeHTML = html => html.replace(/[&<"']/g, m => ({ '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '"': '&quot;', '\'': '&#039;' })[m]);
        const redact = str => `<span class="priv">${escapeHTML(str)}</span><span class="mask">REDACTED</span>`;
        const queryString = params => params.filter(p => p[1] !== undefined).map(p => p[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(p[1])).join('&');
        const ask = async msg => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(popup.confirm(msg)), 10));
        const printDelayStats = () => log.verb(`Delete delay: ${deleteDelay}ms, Search delay: ${searchDelay}ms`, `Last Ping: ${lastPing}ms, Average Ping: ${avgPing|0}ms`);
        const toSnowflake = (date) => /:/.test(date) ? ((new Date(date).getTime() - 1420070400000) * Math.pow(2, 22)) : date;
        const log = {
            debug() { extLogger ? extLogger('debug', arguments) : console.debug.apply(console, arguments); },
            info() { extLogger ? extLogger('info', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); },
            verb() { extLogger ? extLogger('verb', arguments) : console.log.apply(console, arguments); },
            warn() { extLogger ? extLogger('warn', arguments) : console.warn.apply(console, arguments); },
            error() { extLogger ? extLogger('error', arguments) : console.error.apply(console, arguments); },
            success() { extLogger ? extLogger('success', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); },

        async function recurse() {
            let API_SEARCH_URL;
            if (guildId === '@me') {
                API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${channelId}/messages/`; // DMs
            else {
                API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/guilds/${guildId}/messages/`; // Server

            const headers = {
                'Authorization': authToken
            let resp;
            try {
                const s = Date.now();
                resp = await fetch(API_SEARCH_URL + 'search?' + queryString([
                    [ 'author_id', authorId || undefined ],
                    [ 'channel_id', (guildId !== '@me' ? channelId : undefined) || undefined ],
                    [ 'min_id', minId ? toSnowflake(minId) : undefined ],
                    [ 'max_id', maxId ? toSnowflake(maxId) : undefined ],
                    [ 'sort_by', 'timestamp' ],
                    [ 'sort_order', 'desc' ],
                    [ 'offset', offset ],
                    [ 'has', hasLink ? 'link' : undefined ],
                    [ 'has', hasFile ? 'file' : undefined ],
                    [ 'content', content || undefined ],
                    [ 'include_nsfw', includeNsfw ? true : undefined ],
                ]), { headers });
                lastPing = (Date.now() - s);
                avgPing = avgPing>0 ? (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1) : lastPing;
            } catch (err) {
                return log.error('Search request threw an error:', err);
            // not indexed yet
            if (resp.status === 202) {
                const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                throttledTotalTime += w;
                log.warn(`This channel wasn't indexed, waiting ${w}ms for discord to index it...`);
                await wait(w);
                return await recurse();
            if (!resp.ok) {
                // searching messages too fast
                if (resp.status === 429) {
                    const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                    throttledTotalTime += w;
                    baseSearchDelay = searchDelay;
                    searchDelay = w > baseSearchDelay ? w : baseSearchDelay
                    log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing search delay to ${searchDelay}ms, adjusting base search delay to ${baseSearchDelay}ms`);
                    log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w * 2}ms before retrying...`);
                    await wait(w*2);
                    return await recurse();
                } else {
                    return log.error(`Error searching messages, API responded with status ${resp.status}!\n`, await resp.json());
            else if (searchDelay - baseSearchDelay > delayAdjustmentThreshold)
                searchDelay = baseSearchDelay + (searchDelay - baseSearchDelay) * delayReductionGeometricFactor;
                log.verb(`Search delay lowered to ${searchDelay}ms`);
            const data = await resp.json();
            const total = data.total_results;
            if (!grandTotal) grandTotal = total;
            const discoveredMessages = data.messages.map(convo => convo.find(message => message.hit===true));
            const messagesToDelete = discoveredMessages.filter(msg => {
                return msg.type === 0 || msg.type === 6 || (msg.pinned && includePinned);
            const skippedMessages = discoveredMessages.filter(msg=>!messagesToDelete.find(m=> m.id===msg.id));

            const end = () => {
                log.success(`Ended at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}! Total time: ${msToHMS(Date.now() - start.getTime())}`);
                log.verb(`Rate Limited: ${throttledCount} times. Total time throttled: ${msToHMS(throttledTotalTime)}.`);
                log.debug(`Deleted ${delCount} messages, ${failCount} failed.\n`);

            const etr = msToHMS((searchDelay * Math.round(total / 25)) + ((deleteDelay + avgPing) * total));
            log.info(`Total messages found: ${data.total_results}`, `(Messages in current page: ${data.messages.length}, To be deleted: ${messagesToDelete.length}, System: ${skippedMessages.length})`, `offset: ${offset}`);
            log.verb(`Estimated time remaining: ${etr}`)
            if (messagesToDelete.length > 0) {

                if (++iterations < 1) {
                    log.verb(`Waiting for your confirmation...`);
                    if (!await ask(`Do you want to delete ~${total} messages?\nEstimated time: ${etr}\n\n---- Preview ----\n` +
                        messagesToDelete.map(m => `${m.author.username}#${m.author.discriminator}: ${m.attachments.length ? '[ATTACHMENTS]' : m.content}`).join('\n')))
                            return end(log.error('Aborted by you!'));
                for (let i = 0; i < messagesToDelete.length; i++) {
                    const message = messagesToDelete;
                    if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!'));

                    log.debug(`${((delCount + 1) / grandTotal * 100).toFixed(2)}% (${delCount + 1}/${grandTotal})`,
                        `Deleting ID:${redact(message.id)} <b>${redact(message.author.username+'#'+message.author.discriminator)} <small>(${redact(new Date(message.timestamp).toLocaleString())})</small>:</b> <i>${redact(message.content).replace(/\n/g,'↵')}</i>`,
                        message.attachments.length ? redact(JSON.stringify(message.attachments)) : '');
                    if (onProgress) onProgress(delCount + 1, grandTotal);
                    let resp;
                    try {
                        const s = Date.now();
                        const API_DELETE_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${message.channel_id}/messages/${message.id}`;
                        resp = await fetch(API_DELETE_URL, {
                            method: 'DELETE'
                        lastPing = (Date.now() - s);
                        avgPing = (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1);
                    } catch (err) {
                        log.error('Delete request throwed an error:', err);
                        log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message)));

                    if (!resp.ok) {
                        // deleting messages too fast
                        if (resp.status === 429) {
                            const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                            throttledTotalTime += w;
                            baseDeleteDelay = deleteDelay;
                            deleteDelay = w > baseDeleteDelay ? w : baseDeleteDelay;
                            log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing delete delay to ${deleteDelay}ms, adjusting base delete delay to ${baseDeleteDelay}ms`);
                            log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w*2}ms before retrying...`);
                            await wait(w*2);
                            i--; // retry
                        } else {
                            log.error(`Error deleting message, API responded with status ${resp.status}!`, await resp.json());
                            log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message)));
                    else if (deleteDelay - baseDeleteDelay > delayAdjustmentThreshold)
                        deleteDelay = baseDeleteDelay + (deleteDelay - baseDeleteDelay) * delayReductionGeometricFactor;
                        log.verb(`Delete delay lowered to ${deleteDelay}ms`);
                    await wait(deleteDelay);

                if (skippedMessages.length > 0) {
                    grandTotal -= skippedMessages.length;
                    offset += skippedMessages.length;
                    log.verb(`Found ${skippedMessages.length} system messages! Decreasing grandTotal to ${grandTotal} and increasing offset to ${offset}.`);
                log.verb(`Searching next messages in ${searchDelay}ms...`, (offset ? `(offset: ${offset})` : '') );
                await wait(searchDelay);

                if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!'));

                return await recurse();
            } else {
                if (total - offset > 0) log.warn('Ended because API returned an empty page.');
                return end();

        log.success(`\nStarted at ${start.toLocaleString()}`);
        log.debug(`authorId="${redact(authorId)}" guildId="${redact(guildId)}" channelId="${redact(channelId)}" minId="${redact(minId)}" maxId="${redact(maxId)}" hasLink=${!!hasLink} hasFile=${!!hasFile}`);
        if (onProgress) onProgress(null, 1);
        return await recurse();
Discord hesabınızın Tokeni çalınmış. Tokeninizin değişmesi için de sitenizi değiştirmeniz gerekiyor. Bu şekilde inaktif olacaktır.

Not: Token ile giriş yapıldığında e-posta doğrulaması istemediği için direkt giriş yapabiliyor.
Arkadaşlar şimdi ben Discord DM silme kodu yapıştırdım F12'ye sonra baktım token almaya çalışıyor ama Discord engelliyor. Sonra sabah kalktım Spotify hesabım e-postası değiştirilmiş. Ben bu kodu inaktif etmek için ne yapmalıyım? Yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.

Kodu buraya bırakıyorum:

(function () {
    let stop;
    let popup;
    popup = window.open('', '', `top=0,left=${screen.width-800},width=850,height=${screen.height}`);
    if(!popup || !popup.document || !popup.document.write) return console.error('Popup blocked! Please allow popups and try again.');
    popup.document.write(/*html*/`<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html><head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>Delete Discord Messages</title><base target="_blank">
    <style>body{background-color:#36393f;color:#dcddde;font-family:sans-serif;font-size: 9pt;} a{color:#00b0f4;}
    body.redact .priv{display:none;} body:not(.redact) .mask{display:none;} body.redact [priv]{-webkit-text-security:disc;}
    .toolbar span{margin-right:8px;}
    button,.btn{color:#fff;background:#7289da;border:0;border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;} button:disabled{display:none;}
    input[type="text"],input[type="search"],input[type="password"],input[type="datetime-local"]{background-color:#202225;color:#b9bbbe;border-radius:4px;border:0;padding:0 .5em;height:24px;width:144px;margin:2px;}
    input#file{display: none}hr{border-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.1);}
    <div class="toolbar" style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;padding:8px;background:#36393f;box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2), 0 1.5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05), 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05);">
        <div style="display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;">
            <span>Authorization <a href="undiscord/help/authToken.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a> <button id="getToken">auto</button><br>
                <input type="password" id="authToken" placeholder="Auth Token" autofocus>*<br>
                <span>Author <a href="undiscord/help/authorId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a> <button id="getAuthor">auto</button></span>
                <br><input id="authorId" type="text" placeholder="Author ID" priv></span>
            <span>Guild/Channel <a href="undiscord/help/channelId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a>
                <button id="getGuildAndChannel">auto</button><br>
                <input id="guildId" type="text" placeholder="Guild ID" priv><br>
                <input id="channelId" type="text" placeholder="Channel ID" priv><br>
                <label><input id="includeNsfw" type="checkbox">NSFW Channel</label><br><br>
                <label for="file"  title="Import list of channels from messages/index.json file"> Import: <span class="btn">...</span> <input id="file" type="file" accept="application/json,.json"></label>
            <span>Range <a href="undiscord/help/messageId.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a><br>
                <input id="minDate" type="datetime-local" title="After" style="width:auto;"><br>
                <input id="maxDate" type="datetime-local" title="Before" style="width:auto;"><br>
                <input id="minId" type="text" placeholder="After message with Id" priv><br>
                <input id="maxId" type="text" placeholder="Before message with Id" priv><br>
            <span>Search messages <a href="undiscord/help/filters.md at master · victornpb/undiscord" title="Help">?</a><br>
                <input id="content" type="text" placeholder="Containing text" priv><br>
                <label><input id="hasLink" type="checkbox">has: link</label><br>
                <label><input id="hasFile" type="checkbox">has: file</label><br>
                <label><input id="includePinned" type="checkbox">Include pinned</label>
        <button id="start" style="background:#43b581;width:80px;">Start</button>
        <button id="stop" style="background:#f04747;width:80px;" disabled>Stop</button>
        <button id="clear" style="width:80px;">Clear log</button>
        <label><input id="autoScroll" type="checkbox" checked>Auto scroll</label>
        <label title="Hide sensitive information for taking screenshots"><input id="redact" type="checkbox">Screenshot mode</label>
        <progress id="progress" style="display:none;"></progress>
    <pre style="margin-top:200px;font-size:0.75rem;font-family:Consolas,Liberation Mono,Menlo,Courier,monospace;">
        <center>Star this project on <a href="GitHub - victornpb/undiscord: Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete" target="_blank">github.com/victornpb/deleteDiscordMessages</a>!\n\n
            <a href="Issues · victornpb/undiscord" target="_blank">Issues or help</a></center>

    const $ = s => popup.document.querySelector(s);
    const logArea = $('pre');
    const startBtn = $('button#start');
    const stopBtn = $('button#stop');
    const autoScroll = $('#autoScroll');
    startBtn.onclick = async e => {
        const authToken = $('input#authToken').value.trim();
        const authorId = $('input#authorId').value.trim();
        const guildId = $('input#guildId').value.trim();
        const channelIds = $('input#channelId').value.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
        const minId = $('input#minId').value.trim();
        const maxId = $('input#maxId').value.trim();
        const minDate = $('input#minDate').value.trim();
        const maxDate = $('input#maxDate').value.trim();
        const content = $('input#content').value.trim();
        const hasLink = $('input#hasLink').checked;
        const hasFile = $('input#hasFile').checked;
        const includeNsfw = $('input#includeNsfw').checked;
        const includePinned = $('input#includePinned').checked;
        const progress = $('#progress');

        const fileSelection = $("input#file");
        fileSelection.addEventListener("change", () => {
            const files = fileSelection.files;
            const channelIdField = $('input#channelId');
            if (files.length > 0) {
                const file = files[0];
                file.text().then(text => {
                    let json = JSON.parse(text);
                    let channels = Object.keys(json);
                    channelIdField.value = channels.join(",");
        }, false);

        const stopHndl = () => !(stop === true || popup.closed);

        const onProg = (value, max) => {
            progress.setAttribute('max', max);
            progress.value = value;
            progress.style.display = max ? '' : 'none';

        stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = true);
        for (let i = 0; i < channelIds.length; i++) {
            await deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelIds, minId || minDate, maxId || maxDate, content, hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, logger, stopHndl, onProg);
            stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false);
    stopBtn.onclick = e => stop = stopBtn.disabled = !(startBtn.disabled = false);
    $('button#clear').onclick = e => { logArea.innerHTML = ''; };
    $('button#getToken').onclick = e => {
        window.dispatchEvent(new Event('beforeunload'));
        $('input#authToken').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.token);
    $('button#getAuthor').onclick = e => {
        $('input#authorId').value = JSON.parse(popup.localStorage.user_id_cache);
    $('button#getGuildAndChannel').onclick = e => {
        const m = location.href.match(/channels\/([\w@]+)\/(\d+)/);
        $('input#guildId').value = m[1];
        $('input#channelId').value = m[2];
    $('#redact').onchange = e => {
        popup.document.body.classList.toggle('redact') &&
        popup.alert('This will attempt to hide personal information, but make sure to double check before sharing screenshots.');

    const logger = (type='', args) => {
        const style = { '': '', info: 'color:#00b0f4;', verb: 'color:#72767d;', warn: 'color:#faa61a;', error: 'color:#f04747;', success: 'color:#43b581;' }[type];
        logArea.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div style="${style}">${Array.from(args).map(o => typeof o === 'object' ?  JSON.stringify(o, o instanceof Error && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)) : o).join('\t')}</div>`);
        if (autoScroll.checked) logArea.querySelector('div:last-child').scrollIntoView(false);

    return 'Looking good!';
     * Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM
     * @param {string} authToken Your authorization token
     * @param {string} authorId Author of the messages you want to delete
     * @param {string} guildId Server were the messages are located
     * @param {string} channelId Channel were the messages are located
     * @param {string} minId Only delete messages after this, leave blank do delete all
     * @param {string} maxId Only delete messages before this, leave blank do delete all
     * @param {string} content Filter messages that contains this text content
     * @param {boolean} hasLink Filter messages that contains link
     * @param {boolean} hasFile Filter messages that contains file
     * @param {boolean} includeNsfw Search in NSFW channels
     * @param {function(string, Array)} extLogger Function for logging
     * @param {function} stopHndl stopHndl used for stopping
     * [USER=371613]@AUTHOR[/USER] Victornpb <victornpb - Overview>
     * [USER=415172]@SeE[/USER] GitHub - victornpb/undiscord: Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
    async function deleteMessages(authToken, authorId, guildId, channelId, minId, maxId, content,hasLink, hasFile, includeNsfw, includePinned, extLogger, stopHndl, onProgress) {
        const start = new Date();
        const delayReductionGeometricFactor = 0.6; // 1/n
        const delayAdjustmentThreshold = 5; // ms
        let baseDeleteDelay = 100;
        let deleteDelay = baseDeleteDelay;
        let baseSearchDelay = 100;
        let searchDelay = baseSearchDelay;
        let delCount = 0;
        let failCount = 0;
        let avgPing;
        let lastPing;
        let grandTotal;
        let throttledCount = 0;
        let throttledTotalTime = 0;
        let offset = 0;
        let iterations = -1;
        const wait = async ms => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, ms));
        const msToHMS = s => `${s / 3.6e6 | 0}h ${(s % 3.6e6) / 6e4 | 0}m ${(s % 6e4) / 1000 | 0}s`;
        const escapeHTML = html => html.replace(/[&<"']/g, m => ({ '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '"': '&quot;', '\'': '&#039;' })[m]);
        const redact = str => `<span class="priv">${escapeHTML(str)}</span><span class="mask">REDACTED</span>`;
        const queryString = params => params.filter(p => p[1] !== undefined).map(p => p[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(p[1])).join('&');
        const ask = async msg => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(popup.confirm(msg)), 10));
        const printDelayStats = () => log.verb(`Delete delay: ${deleteDelay}ms, Search delay: ${searchDelay}ms`, `Last Ping: ${lastPing}ms, Average Ping: ${avgPing|0}ms`);
        const toSnowflake = (date) => /:/.test(date) ? ((new Date(date).getTime() - 1420070400000) * Math.pow(2, 22)) : date;
        const log = {
            debug() { extLogger ? extLogger('debug', arguments) : console.debug.apply(console, arguments); },
            info() { extLogger ? extLogger('info', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); },
            verb() { extLogger ? extLogger('verb', arguments) : console.log.apply(console, arguments); },
            warn() { extLogger ? extLogger('warn', arguments) : console.warn.apply(console, arguments); },
            error() { extLogger ? extLogger('error', arguments) : console.error.apply(console, arguments); },
            success() { extLogger ? extLogger('success', arguments) : console.info.apply(console, arguments); },

        async function recurse() {
            let API_SEARCH_URL;
            if (guildId === '@me') {
                API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${channelId}/messages/`; // DMs
            else {
                API_SEARCH_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/guilds/${guildId}/messages/`; // Server

            const headers = {
                'Authorization': authToken
            let resp;
            try {
                const s = Date.now();
                resp = await fetch(API_SEARCH_URL + 'search?' + queryString([
                    [ 'author_id', authorId || undefined ],
                    [ 'channel_id', (guildId !== '@me' ? channelId : undefined) || undefined ],
                    [ 'min_id', minId ? toSnowflake(minId) : undefined ],
                    [ 'max_id', maxId ? toSnowflake(maxId) : undefined ],
                    [ 'sort_by', 'timestamp' ],
                    [ 'sort_order', 'desc' ],
                    [ 'offset', offset ],
                    [ 'has', hasLink ? 'link' : undefined ],
                    [ 'has', hasFile ? 'file' : undefined ],
                    [ 'content', content || undefined ],
                    [ 'include_nsfw', includeNsfw ? true : undefined ],
                ]), { headers });
                lastPing = (Date.now() - s);
                avgPing = avgPing>0 ? (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1) : lastPing;
            } catch (err) {
                return log.error('Search request threw an error:', err);
            // not indexed yet
            if (resp.status === 202) {
                const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                throttledTotalTime += w;
                log.warn(`This channel wasn't indexed, waiting ${w}ms for discord to index it...`);
                await wait(w);
                return await recurse();
            if (!resp.ok) {
                // searching messages too fast
                if (resp.status === 429) {
                    const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                    throttledTotalTime += w;
                    baseSearchDelay = searchDelay;
                    searchDelay = w > baseSearchDelay ? w : baseSearchDelay
                    log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing search delay to ${searchDelay}ms, adjusting base search delay to ${baseSearchDelay}ms`);
                    log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w * 2}ms before retrying...`);
                    await wait(w*2);
                    return await recurse();
                } else {
                    return log.error(`Error searching messages, API responded with status ${resp.status}!\n`, await resp.json());
            else if (searchDelay - baseSearchDelay > delayAdjustmentThreshold)
                searchDelay = baseSearchDelay + (searchDelay - baseSearchDelay) * delayReductionGeometricFactor;
                log.verb(`Search delay lowered to ${searchDelay}ms`);
            const data = await resp.json();
            const total = data.total_results;
            if (!grandTotal) grandTotal = total;
            const discoveredMessages = data.messages.map(convo => convo.find(message => message.hit===true));
            const messagesToDelete = discoveredMessages.filter(msg => {
                return msg.type === 0 || msg.type === 6 || (msg.pinned && includePinned);
            const skippedMessages = discoveredMessages.filter(msg=>!messagesToDelete.find(m=> m.id===msg.id));

            const end = () => {
                log.success(`Ended at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}! Total time: ${msToHMS(Date.now() - start.getTime())}`);
                log.verb(`Rate Limited: ${throttledCount} times. Total time throttled: ${msToHMS(throttledTotalTime)}.`);
                log.debug(`Deleted ${delCount} messages, ${failCount} failed.\n`);

            const etr = msToHMS((searchDelay * Math.round(total / 25)) + ((deleteDelay + avgPing) * total));
            log.info(`Total messages found: ${data.total_results}`, `(Messages in current page: ${data.messages.length}, To be deleted: ${messagesToDelete.length}, System: ${skippedMessages.length})`, `offset: ${offset}`);
            log.verb(`Estimated time remaining: ${etr}`)
            if (messagesToDelete.length > 0) {

                if (++iterations < 1) {
                    log.verb(`Waiting for your confirmation...`);
                    if (!await ask(`Do you want to delete ~${total} messages?\nEstimated time: ${etr}\n\n---- Preview ----\n` +
                        messagesToDelete.map(m => `${m.author.username}#${m.author.discriminator}: ${m.attachments.length ? '[ATTACHMENTS]' : m.content}`).join('\n')))
                            return end(log.error('Aborted by you!'));
                for (let i = 0; i < messagesToDelete.length; i++) {
                    const message = messagesToDelete;
                    if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!'));

                    log.debug(`${((delCount + 1) / grandTotal * 100).toFixed(2)}% (${delCount + 1}/${grandTotal})`,
                        `Deleting ID:${redact(message.id)} <b>${redact(message.author.username+'#'+message.author.discriminator)} <small>(${redact(new Date(message.timestamp).toLocaleString())})</small>:</b> <i>${redact(message.content).replace(/\n/g,'↵')}</i>`,
                        message.attachments.length ? redact(JSON.stringify(message.attachments)) : '');
                    if (onProgress) onProgress(delCount + 1, grandTotal);
                    let resp;
                    try {
                        const s = Date.now();
                        const API_DELETE_URL = `https://discord.com/api/v6/channels/${message.channel_id}/messages/${message.id}`;
                        resp = await fetch(API_DELETE_URL, {
                            method: 'DELETE'
                        lastPing = (Date.now() - s);
                        avgPing = (avgPing*0.9) + (lastPing*0.1);
                    } catch (err) {
                        log.error('Delete request throwed an error:', err);
                        log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message)));

                    if (!resp.ok) {
                        // deleting messages too fast
                        if (resp.status === 429) {
                            const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
                            throttledTotalTime += w;
                            baseDeleteDelay = deleteDelay;
                            deleteDelay = w > baseDeleteDelay ? w : baseDeleteDelay;
                            log.warn(`Being rate limited by the API for ${w}ms! Increasing delete delay to ${deleteDelay}ms, adjusting base delete delay to ${baseDeleteDelay}ms`);
                            log.verb(`Cooling down for ${w*2}ms before retrying...`);
                            await wait(w*2);
                            i--; // retry
                        } else {
                            log.error(`Error deleting message, API responded with status ${resp.status}!`, await resp.json());
                            log.verb('Related object:', redact(JSON.stringify(message)));
                    else if (deleteDelay - baseDeleteDelay > delayAdjustmentThreshold)
                        deleteDelay = baseDeleteDelay + (deleteDelay - baseDeleteDelay) * delayReductionGeometricFactor;
                        log.verb(`Delete delay lowered to ${deleteDelay}ms`);
                    await wait(deleteDelay);

                if (skippedMessages.length > 0) {
                    grandTotal -= skippedMessages.length;
                    offset += skippedMessages.length;
                    log.verb(`Found ${skippedMessages.length} system messages! Decreasing grandTotal to ${grandTotal} and increasing offset to ${offset}.`);
                log.verb(`Searching next messages in ${searchDelay}ms...`, (offset ? `(offset: ${offset})` : '') );
                await wait(searchDelay);

                if (stopHndl && stopHndl()===false) return end(log.error('Stopped by you!'));

                return await recurse();
            } else {
                if (total - offset > 0) log.warn('Ended because API returned an empty page.');
                return end();

        log.success(`\nStarted at ${start.toLocaleString()}`);
        log.debug(`authorId="${redact(authorId)}" guildId="${redact(guildId)}" channelId="${redact(channelId)}" minId="${redact(minId)}" maxId="${redact(maxId)}" hasLink=${!!hasLink} hasFile=${!!hasFile}`);
        if (onProgress) onProgress(null, 1);
        return await recurse();
İnaktif nedir? Kodu bir kere çalıştırdıysanız “inaktif” edemezsiniz.

Discord hesabınızın Tokeni çalınmış. Tokeninizin değişmesi için de sitenizi değiştirmeniz gerekiyor. Bu şekilde inaktif olacaktır.

Not: Token ile giriş yapıldığında e-posta doğrulaması istemediği için direkt giriş yapabiliyor.
Evet böyle discord hesabı güvende olabilir ama bence Spotify hesabı tamamen tesadüf. Discord tokeniyle Spotify çalınamaz.
Discord hesabınızın tokeni çalınmış. Tokeninizin değişmesi için de sitenizi değiştirmeniz gerekiyor. Bu şekilde inaktif olacaktır.

Not: Token ile giriş yapıldığında e-posta doğrulaması istemediği için direkt giriş yapabiliyor.

Ne yapmam lazım yani. Şu an hesapta çok aşamalı doğrulama var ve Discord hesabıma giremedi kimse sadece Spotify hesabıma girip e postayı değiştirmiş bilgisayardan Spotify'a girmedigim sürece bir şey olmuyor galiba.

İnaktif nedir? Kodu bir kere çalıştırdıysanız “inaktif” edemezsiniz.

Evet böyle discord hesabı güvende olabilir ama bence Spotify hesabı tamamen tesadüf. Discord tokeniyle Spotify çalınamaz.
Tesadüf değil spotify f12 den konsolda benim spotify hesabımın kullanıcı adını api.spotify.com a aktarmaya çalıştıgını gördüm
Ne yapmam lazım yani. Şu an hesapta çok aşamalı doğrulama var ve Discord hesabıma giremedi kimse sadece Spotify hesabıma girip e postayı değiştirmiş bilgisayardan Spotify'a girmedigim sürece bir şey olmuyor galiba.

Tesadüf değil spotify f12 den konsolda benim spotify hesabımın kullanıcı adını api.spotify.com a aktarmaya çalıştıgını gördüm
İlginç, Spotify şifrenizi değiştirdiniz mi?
Ne yapmam lazım yani. Şu an hesapta çok aşamalı doğrulama var ve Discord hesabıma giremedi kimse sadece Spotify hesabıma girip e postayı değiştirmiş bilgisayardan Spotify'a girmedigim sürece bir şey olmuyor galiba.

Tesadüf değil spotify f12 den konsolda benim spotify hesabımın kullanıcı adını api.spotify.com a aktarmaya çalıştıgını gördüm
O zaman koddan. Spotify şifrenizi falan değiştirin. Spotify'da token diye bir şey var mı bilmiyorum. Bilgisayara geçince kodu inceleyip size bilgi veririm.
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İlginç, Spotify şifrenizi değiştirdiniz mi?

Evet değiştirdim.

O zaman koddan. Spotify şifrenizi falan değiştirin Spotify'da token diye bir şey var mı bilmiyorum. Bilgisayara geçince kodu inceleyip size bilgi veririm.

Discord şifremi değiştirip çok aşamalı doğrulama koydum. Girebilir mi hala denese?
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discord/@me ile Spotify'ın ana ekranına Google'dan girince bu kodlar çalışıyor, çalmaya çalışıyor.
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