Hamachi Minecraft nasıl çoklu oyunculu oynanır?

Klasörde boş bir yere Shift + Sağ tık yapın. Powershell penceresini burada açın yazan seçeneğe tıklayın. Ondan sonra baslat.cmd içinde yazan satırı Powershell'de çalıştırıp sonucu buraya yapıştırın.
Klasörde boş bir yere Shift + Sağ tık yapın. Powershell penceresini burada açın yazan seçeneğe tıklayın. Ondan sonra baslat.cmd içinde yazan satırı Powershell'de çalıştırıp sonucu buraya yapıştırın.
Usage: java [options] <mainclass> [args...]
(to execute a class)
or java [options] -jar <jarfile> [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
or java [options] -m <module>[/<mainclass>] [args...]
java [options] --module <module>[/<mainclass>] [args...]
(to execute the main class in a module)
or java [options] <sourcefile> [args]
(to execute a single source-file program)

Arguments following the main class, source file, -jar <jarfile>,
-m or --module <module>/<mainclass> are passed as the arguments to
main class.

where options include:

-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
--class-path <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
-p <module path>
--module-path <module path>...
A ; separated list of directories, each directory
is a directory of modules.
--upgrade-module-path <module path>...
A ; separated list of directories, each directory
is a directory of modules that replace upgradeable
modules in the runtime image
--add-modules <module name>[,<module name>...]
root modules to resolve in addition to the initial module.
<module name> can also be ALL-DEFAULT, ALL-SYSTEM,
--enable-native-access <module name>[,<module name>...]
modules that are permitted to perform restricted native operations.
<module name> can also be ALL-UNNAMED.
list observable modules and exit
-d <module name>
--describe-module <module name>
describe a module and exit
--dry-run create VM and load main class but do not execute main method.
The --dry-run option may be useful for validating the
command-line options such as the module system configuration.
validate all modules and exit
The --validate-modules option may be useful for finding
conflicts and other errors with modules on the module path.
set a system property
enable verbose output for the given subsystem
-version print product version to the error stream and exit
--version print product version to the output stream and exit
-showversion print product version to the error stream and continue
print product version to the output stream and continue
show module resolution output during startup
-? -h -help
print this help message to the error stream
--help print this help message to the output stream
-X print help on extra options to the error stream
--help-extra print help on extra options to the output stream
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:jdwp
see also -agentlib:jdwp=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image
HiDPI scaled images are automatically supported and used
if available. The unscaled image filename, e.g. image.ext,
should always be passed as the argument to the -splash option.
The most appropriate scaled image provided will be picked up
See the SplashScreen API documentation for more information
@argument files
one or more argument files containing options
prevent further argument file expansion
allow classes to depend on preview features of this release
To specify an argument for a long option, you can use --<name>=<value> or
--<name> <value>.
Usage: java [options] <mainclass> [args...]
(to execute a class)
or java [options] -jar <jarfile> [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
or java [options] -m <module>[/<mainclass>] [args...]
java [options] --module <module>[/<mainclass>] [args...]
(to execute the main class in a module)
or java [options] <sourcefile> [args]
(to execute a single source-file program)

Arguments following the main class, source file, -jar <jarfile>,
-m or --module <module>/<mainclass> are passed as the arguments to
main class.

where options include:

-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
--class-path <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
-p <module path>
--module-path <module path>...
A ; separated list of directories, each directory
is a directory of modules.
--upgrade-module-path <module path>...
A ; separated list of directories, each directory
is a directory of modules that replace upgradeable
modules in the runtime image
--add-modules <module name>[,<module name>...]
root modules to resolve in addition to the initial module.
<module name> can also be ALL-DEFAULT, ALL-SYSTEM,
--enable-native-access <module name>[,<module name>...]
modules that are permitted to perform restricted native operations.
<module name> can also be ALL-UNNAMED.
list observable modules and exit
-d <module name>
--describe-module <module name>
describe a module and exit
--dry-run create VM and load main class but do not execute main method.
The --dry-run option may be useful for validating the
command-line options such as the module system configuration.
validate all modules and exit
The --validate-modules option may be useful for finding
conflicts and other errors with modules on the module path.
set a system property
enable verbose output for the given subsystem
-version print product version to the error stream and exit
--version print product version to the output stream and exit
-showversion print product version to the error stream and continue
print product version to the output stream and continue
show module resolution output during startup
-? -h -help
print this help message to the error stream
--help print this help message to the output stream
-X print help on extra options to the error stream
--help-extra print help on extra options to the output stream
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:jdwp
see also -agentlib:jdwp=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image
HiDPI scaled images are automatically supported and used
if available. The unscaled image filename, e.g. image.ext,
should always be passed as the argument to the -splash option.
The most appropriate scaled image provided will be picked up
See the SplashScreen API documentation for more information
@argument files
one or more argument files containing options
prevent further argument file expansion
allow classes to depend on preview features of this release
To specify an argument for a long option, you can use --<name>=<value> or
--<name> <value>.
Komutta hata var sanırım. Klasörün ekran görüntüsünü ve komutu da atar mısınız?
Komutta hata var sanırım. Klasörün ekran görüntüsünü ve komutu da atar mısınız?
Komutu eksik yazmışsınız. jdk-17.0.2\bin\java.exe -jar server.jar yazmanız gerekiyordu.
Evet işte şimdi oldu.
1) masaüstüne bir klasör oluşturun.
2) bu dosyayı indirip oluşturduğunuz klasöre atın: https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/125e5adf40c659fd3bce3e66e67a16bb49ecc1b9/server.jar
3) yeni bir metin belgesi oluşturup içine java -jar server.jar yazın.
4) farklı kaydet yapın. Dosya türünü "tümü" olarak ayarlayın. Dosyanın adını baslat. CMD koyun.
5) oluşturduğunuz baslat. CMD dosyasını klasöre atın.
6) baslat. CMD dosyasını açıp biraz bekleyin.
7) klasörde EULA adında bir metin belgesi oluşacak. Onu açıp false yazan yeri true olarak değiştirin.
8) kaydedip kapatın. Ardından tekrar baslat. CMD dosyasını çalıştırın.
9) bir süre sonra 3 paneli olan bir pencere açılacak. Sağ taraftaki yazılarda en son "done!" yazınca panelin altındaki metin kutusuna stop yazıp gönderin.
10) pencere kapandıktan sonra dosyaların bulunduğu klasördeki server. Properties dosyasında Online'ı false yapın.
11) tekrar baslat. CMD'yi açın. En son "done!" yazdığında siz localhost, arkadaşınız ise Hamachi adresinizi yazıp girebilir.
Şimdi buradaki talimatlara göre gidiyorum değil mi?

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