Let's talk about global warming

I was working on my new Web Application and I need to graph some data result on a web page.
While take a glance of Javascript charting libraries, I found Chart.js. To test this new library I use NASA's 'Global Average Temperature Zonal annual means' dataset. Download as CSV and parse for charting. And...


With this acceleration of warming. Earth will gonna boil on next few decades.
Ah, that was my German Project. We muss use( my english enough for telling this i will speak German now) ernauerbare Energie dann wir müssen weniger fossile Brennstoffe für Energie nutzen. Wenn wir fossile Brennstoffe verbrenn, entsteht viele Kohlendioxid Gase. Dann wir können Windkraft und Solarenergie benuzten. Wir können elektrische Autos fahren. Danach CFC Gase sind auch schädlich für Ozonschicht.
Sorry for my bad english but ı think we must use renewable energy, we must take measures such as electric cars, afforestation works, and raising the awareness of the society.

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