Phorm. Sites to Boycott / Boykot edilmesi gereken siteler


27 Haziran 2012
So far I have only learned Tesekkur Ederim and I got that one wrong first time around :)

Possibly 'off-topic' to begin with but I think it is important.

Phorm is still at large in Turkey, presumably as 'approved' by BTK and perhaps others. It's back bigger and badder than it was before,


Traffic rank for the month is 45 which is about the level they reached previously. The problem is it is still going up. Dead reckoning suggests it might reach number 20 in Turkey... All this is based in interception and redirects. No-one, in their right mind is actually using the thing, they are having it forced upon them in the background without their knowledge. Site Info


That's a lot of hard work that people put into this site. Hat tip to Ali, Recep, Burkan, IQRI and others.. I guess it 'sucks to be you,


Phorm just 'stole' the location of a picture on 'your' site in order to redirect me to their servers in order, I assume, to check whether I had given 'my' permission to have my communications between me and your site to be intercepted in order to 'profile' me. I note that they did not ask your permission and you would not know anyway. They did not ask me either.. They are just intercepting my communications in order to check whether I have given them permission to do so in the first place. 'Chicken & Egg'..

Let's have a quick look at what went on according to Live HTTP Headers,


GET /wp-content/themes/extranews/images/icons/social/p_light.png HTTP/1.1
Host: Ana Sayfa | Technopat | Teknoloji sorularına net cevaplar, pratik bilgiler ve farklı ürün incelemeleriyle Türkiye'nin en hızlı yükselen teknoloji portalı!
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Accept: image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
DNT: 1
Referer: Ana Sayfa | Technopat | Teknoloji sorularına net cevaplar, pratik bilgiler ve farklı ürün incelemeleriyle Türkiye'nin en hızlı yükselen teknoloji portalı!
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
Server: PxS
Date: Tue, 07 May 2013 15:42:28 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Location: Redirect Warning
Content-Length: 1

My Browser asked for,

Phorm decided I would rather visit them and 'download',

Redirect Warning


I permit the redirect and,


OK.... so this is the 'Visible Side' of things. In order to check whether people have given them permission to 'spy' on them Phorm has to do these redirects in order to check whether they have received that permission, without asking your, Technopat's, permission. The 'Visible Side' of things boosts Phorm/Gezinti into Page Rank 45 and, soon to be, beyond in Turkey. That should be disturbing enough in itself..

The other side of the coin is this is just the 'Visible Tip of the Iceberg'. They have used this 'device' to check whether I have permitted them to intercept my communications with your website and profile me, without asking you, and then on the assumption that I have, but you have not, they will now proceed to continue to monitor those communications in order to profile me and offer product you have advertised yourselves elsewhere.

Like I really like Technopat. For the people and the welcome. The content is good and you obviously spent a lot of time effort and money on the site but unfortunately offered me that camera/car/processor at a lower price so you just had your work and content sucked to make a sale elsewhere..


If you find that happening when you visit a site then please take a screenshot and 'name and shame them'.

Note to BTK.

I fail to understand why you choose to permit a compulsive liar to install spyware equipment into your countries internet backbone.

Either you are stupid or have another 'agenda'.

Note to Phorm lawyers. That will be

Keith Alexander Mallen
54 Reading Road
+44 0 1473720029


I'll add,

As far as I am aware it is possible that BTK have forced Phorm to only deliver their 'invites' via 'partner' websites. They will still intercept your communications but when this sort of thing happens report it here and elsewhere. Make others aware and avoid those sites who feel it is correct to invite Phorm to data rape others content and work.

It seems to have worked for Haber7,

Dikkat, Gezinti Geri Geldi! , Bilişim ve Teknoloji Üzerine TEAkolik Blog

Make the others aware. Let them know you will not accept this intrusion on your browsing and this destruction of the life of those sites that are special to you.
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