Bu konu çözüldü olarak işaretlenmiştir. Çözülmediğini düşünüyorsanız konuyu rapor edebilirsiniz.
İşletim sistemi
Windows 10


20 Temmuz 2022
Kingston Fury Beast 2x8 GB 3600 MHz
Ekran kartı
GTX1660 Ti
Ryzen 5 5600X
Öncelikle iyi Sosyaller, her günkü gibi bilgisayarı normal bir şekilde Power tuşuna basarak başlattım. Fakat mavi ekranla karşılaştım. Aslında bunun öncesinde 2 kez daha yaşadım fakat sorunlar bir kere çıktı mı uzun süre ortalıkta olmuyordu. O yüzden çözüldü sanıp bırakıyordum. Fakat bu olay canımı sıkmaya başladı. Daha 15 20 dk öncesinde bir mavi ekran daha aldım, aşağıya minidump dosyasını koydum, yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

-Windows güncellendi.
-Ekran kartı sürücüsü güncel.
-BIOS, en son çıkan sürümden bir önceki sürüm.(2806)

Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
Hocam ayrıca aygıt yöneticisinden bu kısım güncel değil, acaba sorun ile alakalı mıdır?
Bu aygıtın donanım kimliklerini gönderir misiniz?

Ama yüksek ihtimalle aşağıdaki Realtek sitesinden Win10 Auto Installation Program (NDIS) isimli ve 23/05/2023 tarihli sürücüyü indirip kurarak çözebilirsiniz.

* Son aldığınız mavi ekran öncekilerle aynı.
* Bir de disklere bakalım.

SSD varsa,

* SSD'nizin yazılımını indirip firmware güncellemesi varsa yapın.
* SSD'nizin yazılımından S.M.A.R.T. sekmesindeki verileri gönderin. Ekran görüntüsü olabilir.

HDD varsa:

* HD Tune ile HDD için "Health" sekmesini ekran görüntüsü olarak paylaşın.
* HD Tune ile "Error Scan" kısmını girip "Quick scan" tiki kapalı olacak şekilde test yapın ve paylaşın.

Diyelim ki ethernet sürücünüzü de kurdunuz, ve disklerde de bir problem yok.

RAM'leri D.O.C.P. kapalı konumuna almanızı isteyeceğim. Mavi ekran aldığınız senaryoları bir de bu şekilde canlandırın.

Evet öte yandan temiz kuruluma doğru gidiyor olabiliriz.

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

An exception happened while executing a system service routine.
Arg1: 00000000c0000006, Exception code that caused the BugCheck
Arg2: fffff8067a29f3c2, Address of the instruction which caused the BugCheck
Arg3: ffffb10e8ce86be0, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the BugCheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.

Debugging Details:

***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 2031

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 8471

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 202

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 1571

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 135

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0x3b

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: 0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

    Key  : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: vb_release

    Key  : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.19041.1


BUGCHECK_P1: c0000006

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff8067a29f3c2

BUGCHECK_P3: ffffb10e8ce86be0


FILE_IN_CAB:  070823-9843-01.dmp

CONTEXT:  ffffb10e8ce86be0 -- (.cxr 0xffffb10e8ce86be0)
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=ffffb10e8ce87670 rcx=0000000000000007
rdx=00000000026e8fe0 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=ffffa1026e892000
rip=fffff8067a29f3c2 rsp=ffffb10e8ce875e8 rbp=ffffb10e8ce876f0
 r8=000000000000001c  r9=ffffbc0eaeff7080 r10=00000255d2219fe0
r11=0000000000000fe0 r12=00000255d221a174 r13=ffffa1026e892000
r14=ffffb10e8ce878e0 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00050202
fffff806`7a29f3c2 418b02          mov     eax,dword ptr [r10] ds:002b:00000255`d2219fe0=????????
Resetting default scope

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)




ffffb10e`8ce875e8 fffff806`7a27a954     : 00000000`00000060 00000000`00000002 ffffb10e`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!HvpGetCellPaged+0xa2
ffffb10e`8ce875f0 fffff806`7a218e22     : 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : nt!CmQueryValueKey+0x284
ffffb10e`8ce87750 fffff806`7a00f7f8     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!NtQueryValueKey+0x5f2
ffffb10e`8ce87a50 00007ffd`1dd4d394     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x28
00000096`2fcfd1d8 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00007ffd`1dd4d394

SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!HvpGetCellPaged+a2


IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.19041.3086

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xffffb10e8ce86be0 ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

Followup:     MachineOwner
* BIOS'u 3002'ye güncelleyebilirsiniz. İhtimallerden biri elenmiş olur.

* Hazırda bekletme (hibernation) açıksa kapatır mısınız?

* CMD'yi yönetici olarak çalıştırın ve aşağıdaki komutu girin ve girdikten sonra PC'yi yeniden başlatın.

powercfg.exe /hibernate off

* Ayrca yine CMD'yi yönetici olarak çalıştırıp aşağıdaki iki komutu sırasıyla yapıştırın.

sfc /scannow
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Ama bunlar ufak çözümler.

* Problem RAM'lerde gibi geliyor bana.

* Şöyle yapalım. BIOS'u güncelleyin.

* BIOS'u güncelledikten sonra BIOS'a girin, F5 tuşuna basın ve gelen "Load optimized defaults?" sorusuna "Yes" deyip BIOS'tan çıkın. BIOS'a tekrar girin ve ayarlarınızı yapın (RAM XMP profili, fan ayarları vs.).

Daha sonra Memtest86 ile bir RAM testi yapın.

* Memtest güncel sürüm:


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

An exception happened while executing a system service routine.
Arg1: 00000000c0000006, Exception code that caused the BugCheck
Arg2: fffff8007b09f3c2, Address of the instruction which caused the BugCheck
Arg3: ffff9a8ecd556540, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the BugCheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.

Debugging Details:

***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 2140

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 8708

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 186

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 2391

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 136

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0x3b

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: 0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

    Key  : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: vb_release

    Key  : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.19041.1


BUGCHECK_P1: c0000006

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff8007b09f3c2

BUGCHECK_P3: ffff9a8ecd556540


FILE_IN_CAB:  070223-9796-01.dmp

CONTEXT:  ffff9a8ecd556540 -- (.cxr 0xffff9a8ecd556540)
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=ffff9a8ecd556f90 rcx=0000000000000007
rdx=00000000001007a8 rsi=ffff9a8ecd557260 rdi=ffff9e87111ea000
rip=fffff8007b09f3c2 rsp=ffff9a8ecd556f48 rbp=ffff9a8ecd557049
 r8=000000000000001c  r9=ffffe00fce9b8080 r10=00000180eb2b17a8
r11=00000000000007a8 r12=00000000fc8ba4cf r13=ffff9a8ecd5571f0
r14=0000000000000064 r15=00000180eb314024
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00050202
fffff800`7b09f3c2 418b02          mov     eax,dword ptr [r10] ds:002b:00000180`eb2b17a8=????????
Resetting default scope

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)




ffff9a8e`cd556f48 fffff800`7b07229f     : 00000000`00000000 ffff9e87`111ea000 ffff9a8e`cd5571f0 ffff9a8e`cd557260 : nt!HvpGetCellPaged+0xa2
ffff9a8e`cd556f50 fffff800`7b079ae0     : 00000001`ffffffff 00000000`9a24465c 00000000`00000064 00000000`9a24465c : nt!CmpDoCompareKeyName+0x3f
ffff9a8e`cd556f90 fffff800`7b01a709     : ffff9e87`16ef5360 00000000`00000001 ffff9a8e`cd557190 ffff9a8e`cd557210 : nt!CmpWalkOneLevel+0x700
ffff9a8e`cd557090 fffff800`7b019c23     : ffffe00f`0000001c ffff9a8e`cd5573e0 ffff9a8e`cd557398 ffffe00f`cd274af0 : nt!CmpDoParseKey+0x849
ffff9a8e`cd557330 fffff800`7b0152ee     : fffff800`7b019901 00000000`00000000 ffffe00f`cd274af0 01800040`00040001 : nt!CmpParseKey+0x2c3
ffff9a8e`cd5574d0 fffff800`7b00cfba     : ffffe00f`cd274a01 ffff9a8e`cd557738 00000000`00000040 ffffe00f`c3362380 : nt!ObpLookupObjectName+0x3fe
ffff9a8e`cd5576a0 fffff800`7b00cd9c     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffe00f`c3362380 : nt!ObOpenObjectByNameEx+0x1fa
ffff9a8e`cd5577d0 fffff800`7b00c8b1     : 00000060`ac5fce88 ffff9a8e`cd557b40 00000000`00000001 fffff800`7ac211fe : nt!ObOpenObjectByName+0x5c
ffff9a8e`cd557820 fffff800`7b00c5df     : 00000000`00000002 000001f7`2b6757d0 00000060`ac5fe458 00007fff`bc3d6a98 : nt!CmOpenKey+0x2c1
ffff9a8e`cd557a80 fffff800`7ae0f7f8     : 00000000`00000000 ffffe00f`00000100 ffff9a8e`cd557b40 00000000`00000000 : nt!NtOpenKeyEx+0xf
ffff9a8e`cd557ac0 00007fff`bcfaf4c4     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x28
00000060`ac5fce28 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00007fff`bcfaf4c4

SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!HvpGetCellPaged+a2


IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.19041.3086

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xffff9a8ecd556540 ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

Followup:     MachineOwner

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

An exception happened while executing a system service routine.
Arg1: 00000000c0000006, Exception code that caused the BugCheck
Arg2: fffff8048029f3c2, Address of the instruction which caused the BugCheck
Arg3: ffffc9038ab46540, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the BugCheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.

Debugging Details:

***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 1890

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 9041

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 171

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 1538

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 135

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0x3b

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: 0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

    Key  : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: vb_release

    Key  : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.19041.1


BUGCHECK_P1: c0000006

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff8048029f3c2

BUGCHECK_P3: ffffc9038ab46540


FILE_IN_CAB:  062623-11296-01.dmp

CONTEXT:  ffffc9038ab46540 -- (.cxr 0xffffc9038ab46540)
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=ffffc9038ab46f90 rcx=0000000000000007
rdx=0000000001e82ed0 rsi=ffffc9038ab472a0 rdi=ffff800d615b6000
rip=fffff8048029f3c2 rsp=ffffc9038ab46f48 rbp=ffffc9038ab47049
 r8=000000000000001c  r9=ffff90873669d080 r10=0000018051a63ed0
r11=0000000000000ed0 r12=00000000506c3cbf r13=ffffc9038ab471f0
r14=0000000000000041 r15=0000018051a2178c
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00050202
fffff804`8029f3c2 418b02          mov     eax,dword ptr [r10] ds:002b:00000180`51a63ed0=????????
Resetting default scope

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)




ffffc903`8ab46f48 fffff804`8027229f     : 00000000`00000000 ffff800d`615b6000 ffffc903`8ab47900 00000000`00000000 : nt!HvpGetCellPaged+0xa2
ffffc903`8ab46f50 fffff804`80279ae0     : 00000001`ffffffff 00000000`7a861142 00000000`00000041 00000000`00000000 : nt!CmpDoCompareKeyName+0x3f
ffffc903`8ab46f90 fffff804`8021a709     : ffff800d`6605d070 00000000`00000005 ffffc903`8ab47190 ffffc903`8ab47210 : nt!CmpWalkOneLevel+0x700
ffffc903`8ab47090 fffff804`80219c23     : ffff9087`0000001c ffffc903`8ab473e0 ffffc903`8ab47398 ffff9087`366a0010 : nt!CmpDoParseKey+0x849
ffffc903`8ab47330 fffff804`802152ee     : fffff804`80219901 00000000`00000000 ffff9087`366a0010 00000000`6d4e6201 : nt!CmpParseKey+0x2c3
ffffc903`8ab474d0 fffff804`8020cfba     : ffff9087`366a0000 ffffc903`8ab47738 00000000`00000040 ffff9087`268f7900 : nt!ObpLookupObjectName+0x3fe
ffffc903`8ab476a0 fffff804`8020cd9c     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff9087`268f7900 : nt!ObOpenObjectByNameEx+0x1fa
ffffc903`8ab477d0 fffff804`8020c8b1     : 00000000`031bf178 ffffc903`8ab47b40 00000000`00000001 fffff804`7fe211fe : nt!ObOpenObjectByName+0x5c
ffffc903`8ab47820 fffff804`8020c5df     : 00000000`00001ca2 00000000`00001ca2 00000000`00000000 00000000`ffffffff : nt!CmOpenKey+0x2c1
ffffc903`8ab47a80 fffff804`8000f7f8     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffc903`8ab47b40 ffff9087`390020c0 : nt!NtOpenKeyEx+0xf
ffffc903`8ab47ac0 00007fff`a752f4c4     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x28
00000000`031bf118 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00007fff`a752f4c4

SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!HvpGetCellPaged+a2


IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.19041.3086

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xffffc9038ab46540 ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

Followup:     MachineOwner

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

        A critical system process died
Arg1: ffffb18b021ed080, Process object or thread object
Arg2: 0000000000000000, If this is 0, a process died. If this is 1, a thread died.
Arg3: 0000000000000000, The process object that initiated the termination.
Arg4: 0000000000000000

Debugging Details:


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 1875

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 13600

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 7

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 11

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 108

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 1472

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 150

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0xef

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ExceptionCode
    Value: a3d5080

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageName
    Value: KERNELBASE.dll

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageOffset
    Value: 13e30

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageSize
    Value: 2f6000

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageTimestamp
    Value: a1c3e870

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.Process
    Value: svchost.exe

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.Symbol
    Value: KERNELBASE.dll!?Verify@_HEADER@DependencyMiniRepository@ARI@@QEBAJ_K@Z

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.WERReportId
    Value: 81a876af-19d6-44e4-815b-aa6346a66d49

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: 0xEF_svchost.exe_BUGCHECK_CRITICAL_PROCESS_a3d5080_KERNELBASE.dll!?Verify@_HEADER@DependencyMiniRepository@ARI@@QEBAJ_K@Z_IMAGE_KERNELBASE.dll

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {2083d68e-5d78-c0e7-f31a-8ca461628cb4}

    Key  : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: vb_release

    Key  : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.19041.1


BUGCHECK_P1: ffffb18b021ed080




FILE_IN_CAB:  052023-8281-01.dmp

PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe

CRITICAL_PROCESS:  svchost.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xa3d5080 - <Unable to get error code text>

CRITICAL_PROCESS_REPORTGUID:  {81a876af-19d6-44e4-815b-aa6346a66d49}



FAULTING_MODULE: 0000000000000000

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)



fffffd86`0369f8f8 fffff800`83f0d842     : 00000000`000000ef ffffb18b`021ed080 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffffd86`0369f900 fffff800`83e0cbb7     : 00000000`00000000 fffff800`83913a19 00000000`00000002 fffff800`838eb06b : nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+0x10e
fffffd86`0369f9a0 fffff800`83c99698     : ffffb18b`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffb18b`021ed080 ffffb18b`021ed4b8 : nt!PspTerminateAllThreads+0x17291b
fffffd86`0369fa10 fffff800`83c9926c     : ffffb18b`021ed080 00000000`00000000 000000b1`a2b7fa5c fffff800`83c8580a : nt!PspTerminateProcess+0xe0
fffffd86`0369fa50 fffff800`83a0f4f8     : ffffb18b`021ed080 ffffb18b`0a3d5080 fffffd86`0369fb40 ffffb18b`021ed080 : nt!NtTerminateProcess+0x9c
fffffd86`0369fac0 00007fff`1f86d5e4     : 00007fff`1f8e2e03 00007fff`1f9176e4 000000b1`a2b7fa20 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x28
000000b1`a2b7bf28 00007fff`1f8e2e03     : 00007fff`1f9176e4 000000b1`a2b7fa20 00000000`00000000 00007fff`1f7d0000 : 0x00007fff`1f86d5e4
000000b1`a2b7bf30 00007fff`1f9176e4     : 000000b1`a2b7fa20 00000000`00000000 00007fff`1f7d0000 00000000`00000004 : 0x00007fff`1f8e2e03
000000b1`a2b7bf38 000000b1`a2b7fa20     : 00000000`00000000 00007fff`1f7d0000 00000000`00000004 00007fff`1f87562d : 0x00007fff`1f9176e4
000000b1`a2b7bf40 00000000`00000000     : 00007fff`1f7d0000 00000000`00000004 00007fff`1f87562d 00007fff`1f9176e4 : 0x000000b1`a2b7fa20

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr; .ecxr ; kb


OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {2083d68e-5d78-c0e7-f31a-8ca461628cb4}

Followup:     MachineOwner
Cevap verdiğiniz için teşekkür ederim, öncelikle şunu sormak istiyorum, hazırda bekletme (hibernation) nedir? Ve açıksa kapatırsam bir zararı olur mu? Ayrıca sistemi toplayalı 2 ay civarı oluyor. RAM'lerde daha yeni, çok şükür ki garantisi devam ediyor. Dediğiniz gibi önce BIOS'u güncelleyeceğim, daha sonra Memtest86 testi yapacağım, sonuçları sizlerle paylaşırım.
Hazırda bekletme (hibernation) nedir? Ve açıksa kapatırsam bir zararı olur mu?

Bu seçenek dizüstü bilgisayarlar için tasarlanmıştır ve tüm bilgisayarlarda kullanılamayabilir. (Örneğin, InstantGo özellikli bilgisayarlarda hazırda bekleme seçeneği yoktur.) Hazırda bekleme, uyku modundan daha az güç kullanır ve bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlattığınızda, bıraktığınız noktaya dönersiniz (ancak uyku modu kadar hızlı olmaz).

Dizüstü bilgisayarınızı veya tabletinizi uzun süre kullanmayacağınızı ve bu süre boyunca pili şarj etme fırsatınız olmayacağını bildiğinizde, hazırda bekleme modunu kullanın. Önce bilgisayarınızda bu seçeneğin bulunup bulunmadığına bakın ve varsa seçeneği açın.

Genelde dizüstü sistemlerde bulunur. Yüksek ihtimalle sizde kapalıdır zaten. Aradan çıksın diye demiştim. Çok da önemli değil.
Tekrardan merhaba hocam, şimdi BIOS'u 3002 sürümüne güncelledim, ve eski ayarlarımı yaptım, ayrıca SFC /scannow ve DISM /online /cleanup-ımage /restorehealth komutlarını girdim, ikisi de tamamlandı. Son olarak Memtest86 yapmam gerekiyor, USB'ye yazdım fakat, onu da şu an yapamam müsait değilim, yaparsam yarın sonucu sizlerle paylaşırım.

Tekrardan merhaba hocam, şimdi Memtest86 testini bitirdim, sonuçlarda herhangi bir sorun olmadığını gösteriyor.

Son düzenleme:
BIOS'u güncelledikten sonra hangi ayarları değiştirdiniz?

RAM'i OC yaparken XMP profili mi kullanıyorsunuz yoksa elle frekans, voltaj, CL, timing seçimi mi yapıyorsunuz?

Tekrar mavi ekran alırsanız paylaşın.
BIOS'u güncelledikten sonra D.O.C.P ayarını profil 1 yaptım, direk RAM frekansı yükseliyor, elle voltaj falan yapmadım hayır. Bir daha mavi ekran alırsam paylaşırım. Hocam ayrıca bana "GTX1660 Ti oyunda 85 derece oluyor" konusunda da yardim etmiştiniz, teşekkür ederim. :D

Hocam öncelikle iyi günler, system_servise_exception hatasını tekrardan aldım. BIOS güncel ve sadece d.o.c.p ayarı profile 1 ayarında, Windows'ta güncel. Yine normal bir şekilde açtım bilgisayarı, hata ekranında sonra Windows giriş için şifre istedi, bende şifremi girdim, fakat yükleniyor yazısı bayağı bir süre gitmedi, daha sonrasında siyah ekran aldım, sadece mouse imleci gözüküyordu, aşağıya minidump dosyasını bırakıyorum. Artık son çare temiz kurulum yaparım herhalde.

Hocam ayrıca aygıt yöneticisinden bu kısım güncel değil, acaba sorun ile alakalı mıdır?
Ekran görüntüsü 2023-07-08 161235.jpg
Nasıl güncelleyeceğim?

Hocam sizde bir bakar mısınız? @Enes3078
Son düzenleme:
Hocam ayrıca aygıt yöneticisinden bu kısım güncel değil, acaba sorun ile alakalı mıdır?
Bu aygıtın donanım kimliklerini gönderir misiniz?

Ama yüksek ihtimalle aşağıdaki Realtek sitesinden Win10 Auto Installation Program (NDIS) isimli ve 23/05/2023 tarihli sürücüyü indirip kurarak çözebilirsiniz.

* Son aldığınız mavi ekran öncekilerle aynı.
* Bir de disklere bakalım.

SSD varsa,

* SSD'nizin yazılımını indirip firmware güncellemesi varsa yapın.
* SSD'nizin yazılımından S.M.A.R.T. sekmesindeki verileri gönderin. Ekran görüntüsü olabilir.

HDD varsa:

* HD Tune ile HDD için "Health" sekmesini ekran görüntüsü olarak paylaşın.
* HD Tune ile "Error Scan" kısmını girip "Quick scan" tiki kapalı olacak şekilde test yapın ve paylaşın.

Diyelim ki ethernet sürücünüzü de kurdunuz, ve disklerde de bir problem yok.

RAM'leri D.O.C.P. kapalı konumuna almanızı isteyeceğim. Mavi ekran aldığınız senaryoları bir de bu şekilde canlandırın.

Evet öte yandan temiz kuruluma doğru gidiyor olabiliriz.

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

An exception happened while executing a system service routine.
Arg1: 00000000c0000006, Exception code that caused the BugCheck
Arg2: fffff8067a29f3c2, Address of the instruction which caused the BugCheck
Arg3: ffffb10e8ce86be0, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the BugCheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.

Debugging Details:

***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ExceptionRecord                               ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that     ***
***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
***                                                                   ***
***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced: ContextRecord                                 ***
***                                                                   ***


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 2031

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 8471

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 202

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 1571

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 135

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0x3b

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: 0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

    Key  : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: vb_release

    Key  : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.19041.1


BUGCHECK_P1: c0000006

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff8067a29f3c2

BUGCHECK_P3: ffffb10e8ce86be0


FILE_IN_CAB:  070823-9843-01.dmp

CONTEXT:  ffffb10e8ce86be0 -- (.cxr 0xffffb10e8ce86be0)
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=ffffb10e8ce87670 rcx=0000000000000007
rdx=00000000026e8fe0 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=ffffa1026e892000
rip=fffff8067a29f3c2 rsp=ffffb10e8ce875e8 rbp=ffffb10e8ce876f0
 r8=000000000000001c  r9=ffffbc0eaeff7080 r10=00000255d2219fe0
r11=0000000000000fe0 r12=00000255d221a174 r13=ffffa1026e892000
r14=ffffb10e8ce878e0 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00050202
fffff806`7a29f3c2 418b02          mov     eax,dword ptr [r10] ds:002b:00000255`d2219fe0=????????
Resetting default scope

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)




ffffb10e`8ce875e8 fffff806`7a27a954     : 00000000`00000060 00000000`00000002 ffffb10e`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!HvpGetCellPaged+0xa2
ffffb10e`8ce875f0 fffff806`7a218e22     : 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : nt!CmQueryValueKey+0x284
ffffb10e`8ce87750 fffff806`7a00f7f8     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!NtQueryValueKey+0x5f2
ffffb10e`8ce87a50 00007ffd`1dd4d394     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x28
00000096`2fcfd1d8 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00007ffd`1dd4d394

SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!HvpGetCellPaged+a2


IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.19041.3086

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xffffb10e8ce86be0 ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x3B_C0000006_nt!HvpGetCellPaged

OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {68f3db38-ae8e-4bae-c37a-85819946495f}

Followup:     MachineOwner
Dump incelenmiş de farklı bir şey olursa etiketlerseniz yardımcı olmaya çalışırım. Denilenleri yapın siz, yine olmazsa bakalım yeni dosyaya. İncelenmiş dosyaya bakmak lüzumsuz olacaktır çünkü.
Tekrardan merhaba hocam, aygıtın donanım kimlikleri bunlar.


Ama yüksek ihtimalle aşağıdaki Realtek sitesinden Windows 10 Auto ınstallation program (NDIS) isimli ve 23/05/2023 tarihli sürücüyü indirip kurarak çözebilirsiniz.

*Hocam siz yine bir bakın donanım kimliklerine, ona göre işimizi sağlama alalım, en güncelini yükleyelim.
* M.2 SSD kullanıyorum, Kingston'un yazılımını yükledim ve Firmware güncellemesini yaptım.

Ekran Alıntısı.JPG

Ayrıca dediğiniz "SSD'nizin yazılımından S.M.A.R.T. Sekmesindeki veriler" ise bunlar galiba.

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-07-09 171808.jpg

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-07-09 171824.jpg

Ethernet sürücüsünün en güncelini atarsanız sevinirim, tam olarak bulamadım. Ayrıca SSD de bir sorun yok gibi gözüküyor.

Eğer tüm bu işlemler yapıldıktan sonra hala hata alıyorsam, d.o.c.p kapalı konumda deneyeceğim.

Olmadı temiz kurulum yaparız.
