İngilizce şekilde gelen konudaki mail nedir?


7 Aralık 2020
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Bana böyle bir e mail geldi. Ne yapmam lazım?

I Trust you are well and this email finds you. I’m MR philip day ı work as an account officer at natwest bank united kingdom NatWest Online – Bank Accounts, Mortgages, Loans and Savings, ı was actually in south africa for an ınternational banks forum and ı got your contact details through the chambers of commerce.

The reason WHY you were contacted is because One of MY late clients danıel atam funds that has been lying unclaimed since his death in 2013. as the account officer to the late Client and has the responsibility of looking for any of his relatives to inherit this fortune of £4.8million (four million eight hundred great britain pound sterling only).

I personally contacted you because you happened to bear his surname which is an exact match on our System, so ı would like you to assist me in transferring these funds to your country, considering the fact that you share the same last name with the deceased. Upon a successful completion of this deal, ı will come down to the country to meet with you to disburse the said money.

For your assistance in this transaction, ı and MY colleague here in the bank, who works at the verification department, are willing to give you 50% of the Total sum for your participation in this beneficial transaction.

Please observe this instruction religiously. Please again, Note'ı am a family man, ı have a wife and 3 children. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences are, but ı know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of Gold. This is the One truth ı have learnt from MY private banking clients. Do not betray MY confidence if we can be of One accord as to succeedın thıs transactıon, ı am not here to deceıve you as we are runnıng towards the end of year and ıf we do not moved thıs funds over to your country wıthın a week then the government wıll take them for theır own personal or return the funds back to the treasury department for safe keepıng.

If we can be of One accord, we should act swiftly on this to avoid delay, and MY bank would be conducting its financial audit soon. Please pardon MY writing mistakes.

GET back to me with your details information for comparison and verification:

1. Full-names.
2. Religion/profession?
3, Can you handle such a huge amount?
4. marital status?
5. physical address:
6. Telephone/Cell/Landline.
7. occupation.
8. date of birth?

So ı can present them to the legal practitioner here in the united kingdom, who is going to GUI'de us throughout the entire process. In the preparation of all original documents in your Full names to present you to the payment bank as the sole Next of kin as stated on the last will & testament.

GET back to me immediately with your Full detail information so i can present them to the lawyer here in the united kingdom that is going to help us secure the required united kingdom government ınheritance claims authorization documents in your Full names. Please disregard this mail if you are not interested in order for us not to waste time hence time is of great essence. As you are not forced to do this but the choice is yours.

Kind regards.
MR philip day,
25 bank street, canary wharf, london, E14 5jp,
United kingdom.
Tel: +44-741-844-9160.
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