Your favorite game characters

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I'd say Max Caufield undoubtly. She had really experienced bad times with her rewinding time ability which leads to a great catastrophe of Arcadia Bay in which whales, ravens, gazelles are dead in the line of destiny broken by herself. Choices in the game come across by Max always went her out of the wringer and she was astonished by the result of them; as for the Chloe, how to say, her girl friend or best friend cannot stand against her doomish life with her father in law and her desrepate mother not knowing what to do about her daughter...But when it comes to taking a lesson, you are just a human and you are definetely unable to change the destiny. If you are going to die, you will be faded out one way or another, and if the destiny brings you and your boy/girl friend a breaking down or breaking up, it will be so sooner or later.

