Why can't we speak English?

When I'm in preparatory class in high school, we used to have listening-speaking and reading-writing classes. In my opinion, these classes were beneficial for me. It was a little better than regular classes. They were still not enough for us.
Why can't we speak English? We learn English in elementary school, middle school, and high school but the result is nothing. We cannot speak English after years of learning English in schools. Isn't there a problem? The main reason for that is; we learn only grammar rules. Knowing only all the grammar rules doesn't help you to speak English. You need to combine your words with grammar to speak English, in this point, grammar is an essential thing. When you know grammar, you can create more beautiful sentences. When you don't know grammar rules; your sentence will look like this:
  • I how can go to the hospital?
That's okay, people will understand you even if you create sentences like this. If you know grammar rules your sentences will look like this and it's going to be more understandable:
  • How can I go to the hospital?
More clear, isn't it? That's why we have to know grammar, knowing a little grammar will make your sentences more clear. You have to know at least basic grammar rules, and a few tenses.

Let's move back to the main point of this text. Schools in Turkey care about grammar so much. Grammar is important, but not that much. They only teach grammar and that's not going to help you speak English. Look at these sentences:
  • I was at school when you called me.
  • I was in school when you called me.
The only difference between these sentences are is the preposition that used. One is at, one is in. Is there any wrong, people will absolutely understand you anyways. Here is another example:
  • You have must understood me.
  • You must have understood me.
The Upper sentence is grammarly wrong, the bottom one is correct. I could understand both sentences. According to a textbook; that's unacceptable, but for me that's okay. Both sentences are understandable. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Isn't there a problem? Şu cümleden gerisini okumadım zaten.
There is 2 wrong part in your text.

-You have to know at least basic grammar rules, and a few tenses.

-You have to know at least basic grammar rules and a few tenses.

*Schools in Turkey care about grammar so much.

*Schools in Turkey care about grammar too much. (In this sentence, you meant a negative situation. You should use the "too" term when u mean negative situation, not "so".)

İngilizcem çok eyi yeğenim. 🤣
There is 2 wrong part in your text.

-You have to know at least basic grammar rules, and a few tenses.

-You have to know at least basic grammar rules and a few tenses.

*Schools in Turkey care about grammar so much.

*Schools in Turkey care about grammar too much. (In this sentence, you meant a negative situation. You should use the "too" term when u mean negative situation, not "so".)

İngilizcem çok eyi yeğenim. 🤣
Thanks for you to correct me.
Also there is a problem that almost everyone in Turkey who knows English is thinking they are the best. They maybe afraid of making mistakes so, they talk less and less. Another reason is English pronunciation is kind of difficult for us. For instance I know 2 level of Russian as well but Russian grammer structure is closer to Turkish than English. Therefore, Russian sentence structure is easier for us likewise the pronunciation part. Their words are seems like long but it is quite easy to pronunce them. If you are not familiar with an English word, it might be difficult to pronunce at first.

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