Do you use ChatGPT to improve your English?

Emm, nope actually ı don't use it for improving my English. Generally, ı speak with Chat GPT in my mother language.

By the way, guys can you upload images to Chat GPT and able to get answers ? I searched so many times but couldnt find anything. Just saw some videos of Mini GPT but it is not able to use for normal users because i cant use it.
I don't know. I only saw that he is trying it. GBT-3 has limits, doesn't it?
No, GPT-3 doesn't have any limit. You can use it for free. GPT-4 has some limitations and it is not free.

Emm, nope actually ı don't use it for improving my English. Generally, ı speak with Chat GPT in my mother language.

By the way, guys can you upload images to Chat GPT and able to get answers ? I searched so many times but couldnt find anything. Just saw some videos of Mini GPT but it is not able to use for normal users because i cant use it.
I don't think we are allowed to upload images.
İ dont think any AI is usable for improve any language. For me if you want to improve your language skills, you should speak to people via phones, computers etc. İf you have enough facility, you should go abroad.
İ dont think any AI is usable for improve any language. For me if you want to improve your language skills, you should speak to people via phones, computers etc. İf you have enough facility, you should go abroad.
Speaking is easy for me. But I am really bad at B2-C1 level writing. I think it is really useful.
