GoW, TLOU2 abartan kitle hakkında


Böyle boş eleştirilerle dolu RDR2. Ağır temasına bile laf etmiş, 10 dakika kampa sürmen gerekiyormuş baksana :D Açık dünyası ile etkileşimde gezerek gelmek varken yarım saat olsa bile gelinir kampa.
GoW eleştiri yorumları
Most overrated game ever. Gave up half way through once I realised it wasn't going to live up to all of the hyperbole or even be fun. Metal Gear Survive is way better!!

Nice graphics, but gameplay is the most important thing in a videogame and the gameplay here is just poor. Go pick up Devil May Cry , Ninja Gaiden , Bayonetta , Metal Gear Rising because those
games are all 10/10s.

RDR2 Eleştiri yorumları

ride horse for 15 minutes
kill 3 guys
ride horse for 15 minutes
kill 4 guys
ride horse for 15 minutes
kill 2 guys
you get the point. its a bit boring to me how wide everything is but i do have to compliment this games great depth and huge amount of content. the wild west isnt just a backdrop but actually integrated into the game and fluently incorporated the aesthetic. the music was pretty generic, it didnt accomplish much or do anything innovative but it still sounded like what you would expect from a huge budget game like this so idk what these 10/10 reviewers are talking about with the soundtrack being out of this world. wasnt for me, pick it up if you want, but i was just bored as sansür by the down time in the game

How did this game get such great reviews? The graphics are great but they have stripped all that was the original Red Dead Redemption out of it. Rockstar has added so many BS features it reminds me of GTA San Andreas with the stamina etc and the story and gameplay are so slow, even the basic items like riding your horse and getting to where you need to go are snail nut sack slow. I am a huge fan of the last one but this one pisses me off in so many ways. After this many years I expected a more enhanced Red Dead experience only to be let down in an epic way! For those of you that enjoy this slow trash cheers to ya but this..........

RDR2'ye daha ağır eleştirilerden seçtim, bi bak istersen neyden şikayetçi olduklarına. Metascoreye de bakmadan boş geçmeyelim.
